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It is just a fact that USDT is the bulk of the market, which means most of the market is subject to a centralized counterfeit fiat created by an international cartel led by Bitfinex. Most of this space is in fact
replied 1959d
complete and total bullshit that is manipulated on all fronts.
Blockstream hijacked the protocol. Ifinex hijacked the market. Simple as that.
But, USD it self is just as much of a scam
replied 1959d
as USDT is.
This is decentralized finance folks. This is what it looks like in practice. While I do believe the original Bitcoin protocol is what BCH represents, we also can't deny the
replied 1959d
space was basically hijacked by centralist forces early on. The original mission of Bitcoin has been under direct assault for most of it's existence.
replied 1959d
Bankster scams are now open source. The existence of truly peer to peer money is more important than ever.