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362d · Russian Alphabet (Русский Алфавит)
Examples for update:
Чех=Czech (Ч=Cz х=ch)
Герц=Hertz (Г=H)
Крис=Chris (К=Ch)
Томас=Thomas (Т=Th)
Цинк=Zinc (Ц=Z)
Физика=Physics (Ф=Ph з=s)
Шницели=Schnitzels (Ш=Sch ц=tz и=s)
Пациенты=Patients (ц=t ы=s)

G & J in English seem a bit like Greenland vs Iceland (they're named the "wrong" way around).
Ĵ is Esperanto for Ж.
The equalities are arranged for Q, W & Ye to line up. But others line up too. 🙂
Ч=Ch/Cz Г=G/H Ж=Zh К=K/Q/C/Ch В=V/W E=E/Ye Ф=F/Ph/Th Ш=Sh/Sch
Х=Kh/H/J/Ch Ц=Ts/Tz/C/T/Z Т=T/Th з=z/s и=i/s ы=y/s Λ=L θ=th