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1954d · Bitcoin Cash
I want to get into Block chain,Bitcoin etc any good resources you recommend?
replied 1954d
replied 1954d
I make videos for people on YT, not trading, just how to use wallets and such. if you need to see how to do something just ask. :)
replied 1954d
Send me the link I'll check it out.I actually have a doubt in why something like doge coin has value and why Bitcoin Cash gets hate
replied 1954d
lol BCH gets hate from core because it"steals hash power"I mainly make tutorials like how to use a wallet or function
Alpha Bull Chad
replied 1951d
You should also ask why BSV gets hate.
replied 1953d
do you know what do you want to do with blockchain/bitcoin? Just own it? run a node? mine? build on it?
replied 1953d
I thought owning it is helping and obviously profitable.Cant mine cause bad pc.I was thinking of learning this technology for now since it is interesting.Idk how I can help out though.
replied 1953d
yeah learning would be cool. I find it's best to learn by tackling a project/building something that requires the skills.