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Sk8eM dUb
replied 2329d
So you get a compliant population to immigrate and "live there for a period" until they can vote your country into the global bureaucracy. Sounds like an foreign invasion to me.
replied 2328d
The global bureaucracy would have already been established long prior in that scenario. Sounds like representative democracy to me.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
What happens if a countries representative democracy vote to leave the global representative democracy? Do bigger countries get more votes in that body?
replied 2328d
They cant leave the world. The world is too small to not have s global authority. I would see nations as sending representatives, with nations deciding how they choose their rep.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
Furthermore, what's the mechanism that keeps this governing body from becoming completely sold out to corporate interests?
replied 2327d
Same as with current representative democracy. If the corporate influence doesn't anger the people then things are fine.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2328d
😂😂"Authority" over what!? What's the consequence for non-compliance or for refusing to send a representative?
replied 2327d
Probably equivalent to a vote of non-confidence. Either way a replacing of that nations government. Likely grounds for a new election.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2327d
So you're down with forced "regime change"? Resistance is futile?? North Korea(newsflash, China is worse than NK) should just be straight up invaded and their government "replaced"??
replied 2327d
I am in favour of that, yes. That said I see China as willing to try. Maybe not honestly, but we would have to cross that bridge if we came to it.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2327d
So if the people of the USA democratically decides to not obey the UN, we should be invaded too?
replied 2327d
Sure. That said obey is a poor choice of a word. It would be if they failed to uphold the constitution. At which point hopefully America would already be fighting its government.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2327d
Watch this excellent film about the UN's attitude towards it's pawns.
It goes something like "for the greater good, please eat shit and die"
replied 2327d
Wow that looks great. Got to watch that. That place was pretty messed up, and not an easy fix. Funny you blame the UN.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2327d
Necessary viewing and a supplement to the Siege of Jedotville.
If you think this is false history please prove it.
replied 2327d
I'll check it out later, but of course multi trillion dollar industries exert a lot of control. Look at how much they are attacking Elon Musk for threatening their industry.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2327d
WHAT constitution written and ratified by WHOM? If you don't think massive authoritarian corporate interests are the ones writing the rules you're beyond ignorant.
replied 2327d
A global constitution written by the the nations leaders representatives, or more likely a community, and then voted on by those reps, needing a high majority to be accepted.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2327d
Is it one vote per country or is it weighted by population? Why?
replied 2327d
Wouldn't be up to me, and depends on if they have Senstors of a kind as well. I am guessing they would go with each nation getting one. Representing regions makes more sense.
replied 2327d
It is because I am not ignorant I know it wouldn't be written by some corporate group. I dont wear the tin foil hats and fear frogs turning gay.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2327d
😂😂😂 I love you lefties. Fat cat capitalists are everything that's wrong with the world! Politicians never ever ever take bribes from them to perpetuate their monopoies no nooo
replied 2327d
Capitalism is a great thing, and hardly what is wrong with the world. Sure power corrupts, but that is natural. Businesses would love more stable global markets though.