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replied 2180d
It’s voluntary because you can leave
replied 2180d
Taxes aren't voluntary. No one ever said they were. They are mandatory, you receive shit from the government that you didn't ask for and are expected to pay.
replied 2180d
In a way, it's like those homeless people that put something in your hand and demand that you pay them for it.
replied 2180d
Like those guys that randomly come up and wipe your windows without you asking at all, and then they bang on your car and scream at you when you don't pay them.
replied 2180d
exactly, love that comparison. like the homeless people who wash your window with a dirty rag then demand payment.
replied 2180d
I didn't ask for the war in Iraq, yet I'm still expected to pay for it. NASA? What if i don't want a space program? Still forced to pay.
replied 2180d
Do i at least get to DIRECTLY control how my stolen money is spent? No. I have to *elect* some motherfucker who decides for me.
replied 2180d
Your money is going to build a wall because Mexico isn't paying for it. LOL.
replied 2180d
But do i get to choose whether i pay for it? NOPE
replied 2180d
Because apparently informing ourselves when we make political decisions is too hard to do. We simply just have to trust it to people that are more "capable" than us to make decisions.
replied 2180d
In a world where anyone can vote, and inform themselves on political matters from the comfort of their home with a internet connected device paired with blockchain security to boot.
replied 2180d
But no guys, we can't have direct democracy! Tyranny of the majority!!! Like the majority doesn't get what the fuck they want anyway.
replied 2180d
Elected representation is so good that we got stuck with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as our only two choices!!! And we didn't even get to pick between the two, not really!
replied 2180d
lol - oops typed at the same time.🤦‍♀️
replied 2180d
Taxes are voluntary.
replied 2180d
According to which government?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2180d
Starting to think this guy is just trolling and he doesn't actually believe a word he says. Posterity will throw him in with ED and LightRider.
replied 2180d
What about (un)SilentSam? 😎
This place is such a good uncensorable & immutable microcosm of online opinion shaping and disinformation. It will make a great study someday ✍🏼
replied 2180d
Lol, I think ED and LightRider are for real (no offence, you 2. Weagree on lots). TrashPoster, however, is definitely just a master shit-poster.
replied 2180d
You couldn't deduce that from the username? ;)
replied 2180d
You can always go live in the wilderness. No one is stopping you. That said the penalty for not paying taxes isn't the same everywhere. They dont jail you in Canada.
replied 2163d
You could always stop defending mass fraud (taxation).
No one is stopping you.
Why should those contending the fraud be the ones to go?
replied 2163d
Yeah, I know what you mean.
I have guns pointed at me all day and that's totally what voluntary means. /s
replied 2163d
Except you dont. They will imprison you in the USA for not paying though I guess.
replied 2163d
And of you request, you are met with those guns aforementioned.
So yeah, I do. So do most others.
replied 2163d
It is harsh that the USA enforces taxes that hard, but the fact that the requirement is enforced does not lead to why you are not obligated to pay in the first place.
replied 2163d
replied 2163d
It should be a simple concept. At a basic level we are obligated to be good to one another. The fact that we enforce laws people agree upon doesnt mean we are not obligated to be good.
replied 2163d
How is systematic theft being good to Anyone victim of such?
replied 2163d
Systematic theft isn't good. Systematic theft is people and companies not paying their taxes.
replied 2163d
How do you define taxation?
replied 2163d
Well not as theft for one. It is part of your contribution to the society you live in. It allows the system to run. You want the Google definition?
replied 2163d
I'm asking for Your definition.
Is Google you?
replied 2163d
Well I gave you mine.
replied 2163d
That taxation is part of your contribution to society?
replied 2163d
In a general way, yes.
replied 2180d
To be more specific one is obligated to pay for the services rendered. One can choose to leave the society that uses taxation, and no longer be obligated to pay.
replied 2180d
"You grew up knowing you were receiving those benefits, and would be asked go pay your share when you could. If you didn't make plans to leave hen you consented." - SILENTSAM
replied 2179d
Ah, anarco-capitalists. You should stop arguing that taxes are immoral because they're involuntary. How about arguing that their immoral because it's stealing.
replied 2179d
The conversation started with do people consent to taxes.
replied 2179d
I mean, involuntary is part of stealing. if stealing were voluntary it would be a transaction.
replied 2179d
"anarco-capitalists" LOL.
replied 2180d
Yes, and both can leave. Both may not think they can, but they can.
replied 2179d
By the same logic if you are held at gun point & asked for all your money, you can choose to not give it up at the risk of getting shot. That does not make giving it up voluntary.
replied 2179d
& having the “choice” to not give it up does not make the interaction an exchange instead of stealing.
replied 2179d
Even if the robber gives some of the money to charity or buys the victim a drink with the stolen money doesn’t change the fact that it was stolen.
replied 2179d
This all of course assumes you agree that money you earn from your own work belongs to you. You could try to argue all money earned/value created belongs to the group.
replied 2180d
Can without repercussions?
replied 2180d
All actions have repercussions. Good, or bad. That said the repercussions of not paying taxes differs by country. He IRS arrests you and the CRA sends strongly worded letters.