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Farmers who have land seized will abandon the country, the new owners won't be as good at running the farms and the country will starve.
replied 2296d
Or just look at Zimbabwe, the end result will be a lot of famine and a lot of foreign aid which will be in large part be misappropriated.
replied 2294d
replied 2294d
It was sound to expel the farmer because it created a dictatorial stronghold on the population and gave the opportunity to blame foreign powers sabotaging as retaliation.
replied 2294d
"Steal for a living" sounds so strange, I know it is technically true but it does not sound like what we think of as a living. Anyways it was a politically sound move to expel the farm
replied 2293d
no wonder why collectivism (socialism, communism, taxes) takes off in some cultures/countries.
replied 2293d
haha right. what a warped view to think stealing is a way to "make a living."