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1225d · hmwyda - multisig can increase motivation
Multi-signature address is like a safe box with several locks. Key holders can open it only together.
For example "5-of-7 multisig bitcoin address" means that there are 7 keys, and any 5 of them are needed for sending bitcoins.

BTC allows only up to 15-of-15, but other cryptocurrencies allows much more keys (for example has unlimited M-of-N)

The idea is simple - groups of people with similar targets can top up multisig addresses in order to prove their intention to pay.

Your list may be very smart and honest but it is just a declaration. But sending real money to separate address looks much stronger. Potential agents will see not just words, but real money already prepared for them.

And by the way, it can rise motivation for donors significantly. There are a lot of cheaters here, but cheating with multisig address is practically impossible (or at least is much harder).


In short:

1000 perfect lists with 100 BTC total amount = 1 "unit of trust"

900-of-1000 multisig address with 10 BTC balance = I think at least 2 or even 3 units

And actually it will be 1+3 because you just continue publishing your lists as usual, but also you will:
- gradually top up your group address (or several addresses - you can participate in many groups)
- and mention all your group addresses in your lists.


Even shorter - multisig address is something like crowdfunding.


Share your thoughts and suggestions.

(We need to find convenient multisig wallet with large M-of-N.)