Create account

2436d · Memo Suggestions
Can't find the direct link to a block explorer on accounts on the new design. That was a nice feature and would be a shame if it wasn't there anymore!
replied 2436d
There's a drowdown next to the follow button on profiles.
replied 2436d
I think he means when the User checks His/Her own Account/Profile. Block Explorer link seems to be missing there now. I may be wrong.
replied 2436d
Exactly what @Reload said. You're right that you can see it on other people's accounts, I've seen that now:) But I can't see that dropdown on my own account site like I could before?
replied 2436d
Ahh, I see. Okay, added block explorer links on the account page as well.
replied 2436d
I guess they can just check it when they View their Profile and click on the Square of one of their own Memos there. Nevermind.