The root of the problem is not the gun, shootings are a symptom of a deeper problem. If it ain't a gun it'll be something gonna ban everything?
You make a good point. So what is the root of the problem? My oldest is about to start school this fall and this is getting ridiculous. It feels like it's a daily occurrence now.
A Washington Post article might help mitigate your concerns a little. Check out "School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?" by David Ropeik
i'm not that concerned. i know the chances of it happening to us are slim. just find the frequency alarming but only complaining isn't going to change things. guess i'm apathetic too.
An ^ in hearing @ violence does not necessarily denote an ^ in violence, but I doubt that's solace enough. Your concern may be rooted in good, but don't let it get the better of you.
root of the problem is our own ignorance and apathy. why he go to school? why u go to work? why you a citizen? why he a citizen? why debt? why gov? what is the point of all this?
another words it wasn't always this way, look to the past before Central Banking, Before Taxes, Before Countries. We have giving up so much responsibility in the form of a vote...
why let other people raise your children? don't. Money is a tool, don't work for tools. Use tools to build wealth. Family is wealth, Property is wealth, Health is Wealth. Time is ..
our society might be ignorant and apathetic, but i'm sure there are plenty of other countries with ignorant/apathetic people. but only in the US is gun violence so prevalent.
Look up how many shooters have been on "MEDICATION" ie: psychoactive anti depressants. US has had en EXPLOSION of pharmaceuticals in the same time frame as gun violence increase...???