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replied 2147d
Sure, IQ is far from being the only thing that matters about a person, but that doesn't mean it's bullshit. Of course it's a "made up test" (all tests are made up by someone).
replied 2146d
The test of evolution, survival and growing consciousness (thriving on a healthy body and mind) is NOT made up by any human mind. IQ is a hoax to drag your attention away from health.
replied 2146d
"The test of evolution, survival and growing consciousness (thriving on a healthy body and mind)" doesn't sound like an actual empirical test, sounds like hippy jibberish.
replied 2146d
The mirror was invented for a reason. Why are you afraid to look into it? Look in the mirror and it tells you the truth about your future lifetime expectation. You judge yourself.
replied 2145d
I use mirrors several times a day. I think you need to calm down a bit.
replied 2147d
IQ is the single most reliable (and powerfully predictive) measurements in psychological science. Your IQ doesn't say everything about you, but it says more than any other test can.
replied 2146d
Your body is the only true measurement of success. In a healthy body lives a healthy mind. IQ was invented to robotize people and dehumanize them by disconnecting them from nature.
replied 2147d