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#hmwyda wishlist:
The entertainment industry in our country is chaotic, and they are also extremely rich. Some of them are just like capitalists, standing at the top of the food chain, and can do whatever they want.
1-1: 吴谢宇, 故意杀人、诈骗、买卖身份证, 曾经是被交口称赞为别人家孩子的北大才子, 如今却是千夫所指的残忍弑母的凶手。吴谢宇杀害母亲的行为严重违背家庭人伦, 践踏人类社会的正常情感, 社会影响极其恶劣, 罪行极其严重。
1-1: Wu Xieyu, deliberately killing, defrauding, buying and selling ID cards, was once a genius of Peking University who was praised as a child of someone else's family, but now he is the murderer of the cruel mother-killer that Qianfu refers to. Wu Xieyu’s murder of his mother seriously violated the family relationship and trampled on the normal emotions of human society. The social impact was extremely bad and the crime was extremely serious.
1-1: https://www.163.com/dy/article/GIDR60DP0534P59R.html
1-1: 3500RMB
1-2: 钱枫, 未经女生同意就跟对方发生关系, 最后还想拿钱收买对方。
1-2: Qian Feng, had a relationship with the other party without the girl's consent, and finally wanted to use money to buy the other party.
1-2: https://www.sohu.com/a/485709088_121057468
1-2: 4000RMB
1-3: 田源, 猥亵刚认识的女生, 出轨自己的家庭, 还不断对别人进行骚扰以及语言猥亵。
1-3: Tian Yuan, molested the girl she just met, cheated on her own family, and constantly harassed others and verbally molested them.
1-3: https://www.163.com/dy/article/GI871I0H0552DTWO.html
1-3: 2000RMB
1-4: 赵薇, 割股民韭菜, 欺诈股民的钱, 把资产转移到国外。
1-4: Zhao Wei, cut stockholders' leek, defraud stockholders' money, transfer assets abroad
1-4: http://www.chnews.net/article/201903/57705.html
1-4: 3000RMB
1-5: 吴亦凡, 性侵未成年人。他伤害了许多人,还想套路,网暴举报人,用权势公关压舆论,这是赤裸裸的阶级斗争,不是简单的娱乐圈出人渣,也不只是单纯的法律问题。
1-5: Wu Yifan, sexually assaulted a minor. He hurt many people and wanted to make routines, report online violence, and suppress public opinion with powerful public relations. This is a naked class struggle, not simply a scumbag in the entertainment industry, nor is it just a simple legal issue.
1-5: http://k.sina.com.cn/article_1734342702_m675ff82e033014hi2.html
1-5: 4500RMB
1-6: 郑爽, 偷税漏税2.99亿 还违法代孕, 弃养小孩。
1-6: Zheng Shuang, tax evasion of 299 million yuan and illegal surrogacy, abandoning children.
1-6: https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20210827A0D78M00
1-6: 2500RMB
1-7: 张恒, 帮助郑爽偷税漏税, 赚取国家的钱财。
1-7: Zhang Heng, help Zheng Shuang to evade taxes and earn the country's money.
1-7: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1709236863647267858&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-7: 1900RMB
1-8: 张哲瀚, 去日本靖国神社参加婚礼, 不记得国人的耻辱。
1-8: Zhang Zhehan, went to the Japanese Yasukuni Shrine to attend the wedding, and can't remember the shame of the Chinese.
1-8: https://finance.sina.com.cn/china/gncj/2021-08-13/doc-ikqciyzm1240089.shtml
1-8: 1600RMB
1-9: 蒋劲夫, 家暴日籍女友中浦悠花,中浦悠花发出的几张伤势照片真是触目惊心。再帅的男人也不能打女人!
1-9: Jiang Jinfu, the domestic violence Japanese girlfriend Zhongpu Yuhua, the few pictures of injuries sent by Zhongpu Yuhua are really shocking. No matter how handsome a man is, he can't beat a woman!
1-9: https://www.sohu.com/a/276892284_100112100
1-9: 2000RMB
1-10: 范冰冰, 近日关于范冰冰偷税漏税的传言彻底证实了,这是近年来我国税务部门处理的金额最大的偷税漏税的案件,涉及金额近3亿元。
1-10: Fan Bingbing, the recent rumors about Fan Bingbing’s tax evasion and tax evasion have been thoroughly confirmed. This is the largest tax evasion and tax evasion case handled by my country’s taxation authorities in recent years, involving nearly 300 million yuan.
1-10: https://www.sohu.com/a/257600472_113692
1-10: 3000RMB
2-1: 施华洛世奇的水晶,质量与价格完全不匹配,水晶易划花,而且质保不了,关键特别容易褪色,真的很欺骗客户。
2-1: The quality of Swarovski crystals does not match the price at all. The crystals are easy to scratch, and the quality is not guaranteed. The key is especially easy to fade, which really deceives customers.
2-1: http://finance.eastmoney.com/a/202009111630661380.html
2-1: 1900RMB
2-2: 宏信证券,里面各种设置简直就是坑,要么让我们买不了创业股,要么让我们没法大金额的购买股票,用起来真的很生气,这样的软件真的好垃圾。
2-2: Horizon Securities, the various settings in it are simply pits. Either we can't buy startup stocks, or we can't buy stocks for a large amount. It is really angry to use, such software is really rubbish.
2-2: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/36092132
2-2: 1000RMB
2-3: 花粉俱乐部,里面很多的售卖信息都是虚假的,让我们很受欺骗,这种感觉并不好。
2-3: Pollen Club, many of the sales information in it are false, which makes us very deceived. This feeling is not good.
2-3: https://cn.club.vmall.com/thread-27170678-1-1.html
2-3: 2500RMB
2-4: T3出行,经常打一个车半小时以上,有很多无道德的司机接单十几分钟后会选择放弃订单,导致我们等的时间非常久,真的很浪费时间,很没有好感。
2-4: T3 travel. I often take a taxi for more than half an hour. Many unscrupulous drivers will choose to abandon the order after receiving the order for more than ten minutes. This causes us to wait a long time. It is really a waste of time and has no good feelings.
2-4: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/163528029?ivk_sa=1024320u
2-4: 1900RMB
2-5: 现在我们国内很多中小学的老师都会要求学生进项有偿的补课,目的完全不单纯,他们不是为了孩子的功课,而是为了利益,让我们家长真的苦不堪言。
2-5: Now many teachers in our domestic primary and middle schools will require students to enter paid supplementary lessons. The purpose is not pure. They are not for the children's homework, but for the benefit, which makes our parents really miserable.
2-5: https://www.sohu.com/a/455614501_100146935
2-5: 1600RMB
2-6: 世界农场, 骗人网上养殖挣钱, 最后付出了劳动依然提不了现。
2-6: World Farm, tricked people into online farming to make money, but after the end of the labor, it still can't be mentioned.
2-6: http://www.mnw.cn/keji/mi/2082778.html
2-6: 1700RMB
2-7: P2P: 网络借贷公司, 最后爆雷, 导致投资者的钱要不回来, 骗子平台。
2-7: P2P: Internet lending company, which finally exploded, causing investors' money to come back, scammer platform.
2-7: https://www.sohu.com/a/241942205_116132
2-7: 1800RMB
2-8: 安全防护APP, 一个诈骗的网站, 害人无数。
2-8: The security protection APP, a fraudulent website, has caused countless harms.
2-8: https://m.gmw.cn/baijia/2020-10/05/1301635701.html
2-8: 900RMB
2-9: 手机管家PRO 这款App表面上看起来是在清理手机垃圾, 背地里实则在不断偷偷大量获取手机里的信息。
2-9: Phone Manager PRO This App looks like it is cleaning up mobile phone trash, but behind the scenes it keeps on secretly obtaining a large amount of information from the phone.
2-9: https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20210315A0DTIH00
2-9: 1100RMB
2-10: 花猪打车软件, 司机故意绕路乱收费, 投诉无效。
2-10: Huazhu taxi-hailing software, the driver deliberately detours and charges indiscriminately, the complaint is invalid.
2-10: https://tousu.sina.com.cn/complaint/view/17351750506/
2-10: 1200RMB
3-1: 宾利4S店的人, 客户来修车, 把车放4S店几天, 后来要收取客户19万停车费, 简直就是敲诈勒索。
3-1: People from Bentley 4S shop, customers come to repair the car, leave the car in the 4S shop for a few days, and then charge the customer 190,000 parking fees, which is nothing short of extortion.
3-1: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1708927693036654705&wfr=spider&for=pc
3-1: 1700RMB
3-2: 广东普迪文化传播有线公司的老板, 利用员工赚够了钱就解散公司跑去国外, 员工福利完全得不到保障。
3-2: The boss of Guangdong Pudi Culture Communication Cable Co., Ltd. used his employees to make enough money to dissolve the company and went abroad. The employee benefits were not guaranteed at all.
3-2: https://www.sohu.com/a/412698932_120172216
3-2: 1100RMB
3-3: 阿里巴巴的人, 性侵自己的女员工, 真的坏透了。
3-3: The people at Alibaba, who sexually assaulted their female employees, are really bad.
3-3: https://www.163.com/dy/article/GIDDSS910517NG8J.html
3-3: 1100RMB
3-4: 中国人寿吉林磐石支公司的高官, 强奸公司员工6次, 并且骚扰其他女员工。
3-4: Senior officials of China Life Jilin Panshi Branch Company raped company employees 6 times and harassed other female employees.
3-4: https://www.sohu.com/a/408587800_591114
3-4: 800RMB
3-5: 广州码云汽车驾驶员培训服务有限公司, 拖欠47名工人工资高达103万元.
3-5: Guangzhou Mayun Automobile Driver Training Service Co., Ltd. owes 47 workers wages up to 1.03 million yuan
3-5: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1697755065295209703&wfr=spider&for=pc
3-5: 1400RMB
3-6: 开平住宅建筑工程集团有限公司, 拖欠29名工人2020年工资共1037662元。
3-6: Kaiping Residential Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. defaulted on the wages of 29 workers totaling 1037662 yuan in 2020.
3-6: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1697787957203269612&wfr=spider&for=pc
3-6: 2000RMB
3-7: 安徽元一房地产发展有限公司, 欠债不还。
3-7: Anhui Yuanyi Real Estate Development Co, Ltd. is not repaying its debts.
3-7: https://www.sohu.com/a/485622663_260616
3-7: 1100RMB
3-8: 福晟集团, 发行理财产品, 员工必须每人购买20万, 结果后来员工不仅没有拿到收益, 反而连本金都不见了, 都被福晟集团败光了。
3-8: For Sheng Group, to issue wealth management products, employees must each purchase 200,000 yuan. As a result, not only did the employees not get the income, but even the principal was gone, and they were all defeated by Fu Sheng Group.
3-8: https://www.sohu.com/a/127503700_479766
3-8: 1200RMB
3-9: 融创集团, 明明是精装房, 结果房子都没有装修完成, 漏水还严重就交给客户了, 还主动停止赔付, 真的就是一个骗子集团。
3-9: Sunac Group, obviously it is a hard-covered house, but the house has not been renovated, and the water leakage is serious, but it is handed over to the customer. It also voluntarily stopped paying the compensation. It is really a swindler group.
3-9: https://www.sohu.com/a/412126637_120463449
3-9: 1700RMB
3-10: 江苏经纬房地产公司, 里面虚假房产多, 还对客户态度极差, 并且欠债不还。
3-10: Jiangsu Jingwei Real Estate Company, which has many false real estates, has a very bad attitude towards customers, and does not pay off debts.
3-10: http://www.ahwang.cn/p/1537489.html
3-10: 1100RMB
#hmwyda wishlist:
The entertainment industry in our country is chaotic, and they are also extremely rich. Some of them are just like capitalists, standing at the top of the food chain, and can do whatever they want.
1-1: 吴谢宇, 故意杀人、诈骗、买卖身份证, 曾经是被交口称赞为别人家孩子的北大才子, 如今却是千夫所指的残忍弑母的凶手。吴谢宇杀害母亲的行为严重违背家庭人伦, 践踏人类社会的正常情感, 社会影响极其恶劣, 罪行极其严重。
1-1: Wu Xieyu, deliberately killing, defrauding, buying and selling ID cards, was once a genius of Peking University who was praised as a child of someone else's family, but now he is the murderer of the cruel mother-killer that Qianfu refers to. Wu Xieyu’s murder of his mother seriously violated the family relationship and trampled on the normal emotions of human society. The social impact was extremely bad and the crime was extremely serious.
1-1: https://www.163.com/dy/article/GIDR60DP0534P59R.html
1-1: 3500RMB
1-2: 钱枫, 未经女生同意就跟对方发生关系, 最后还想拿钱收买对方。
1-2: Qian Feng, had a relationship with the other party without the girl's consent, and finally wanted to use money to buy the other party.
1-2: https://www.sohu.com/a/485709088_121057468
1-2: 4000RMB
1-3: 田源, 猥亵刚认识的女生, 出轨自己的家庭, 还不断对别人进行骚扰以及语言猥亵。
1-3: Tian Yuan, molested the girl she just met, cheated on her own family, and constantly harassed others and verbally molested them.
1-3: https://www.163.com/dy/article/GI871I0H0552DTWO.html
1-3: 2000RMB
1-4: 赵薇, 割股民韭菜, 欺诈股民的钱, 把资产转移到国外。
1-4: Zhao Wei, cut stockholders' leek, defraud stockholders' money, transfer assets abroad
1-4: http://www.chnews.net/article/201903/57705.html
1-4: 3000RMB
1-5: 吴亦凡, 性侵未成年人。他伤害了许多人,还想套路,网暴举报人,用权势公关压舆论,这是赤裸裸的阶级斗争,不是简单的娱乐圈出人渣,也不只是单纯的法律问题。
1-5: Wu Yifan, sexually assaulted a minor. He hurt many people and wanted to make routines, report online violence, and suppress public opinion with powerful public relations. This is a naked class struggle, not simply a scumbag in the entertainment industry, nor is it just a simple legal issue.
1-5: http://k.sina.com.cn/article_1734342702_m675ff82e033014hi2.html
1-5: 4500RMB
1-6: 郑爽, 偷税漏税2.99亿 还违法代孕, 弃养小孩。
1-6: Zheng Shuang, tax evasion of 299 million yuan and illegal surrogacy, abandoning children.
1-6: https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20210827A0D78M00
1-6: 2500RMB
1-7: 张恒, 帮助郑爽偷税漏税, 赚取国家的钱财。
1-7: Zhang Heng, help Zheng Shuang to evade taxes and earn the country's money.
1-7: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1709236863647267858&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-7: 1900RMB
1-8: 张哲瀚, 去日本靖国神社参加婚礼, 不记得国人的耻辱。
1-8: Zhang Zhehan, went to the Japanese Yasukuni Shrine to attend the wedding, and can't remember the shame of the Chinese.
1-8: https://finance.sina.com.cn/china/gncj/2021-08-13/doc-ikqciyzm1240089.shtml
1-8: 1600RMB
1-9: 蒋劲夫, 家暴日籍女友中浦悠花,中浦悠花发出的几张伤势照片真是触目惊心。再帅的男人也不能打女人!
1-9: Jiang Jinfu, the domestic violence Japanese girlfriend Zhongpu Yuhua, the few pictures of injuries sent by Zhongpu Yuhua are really shocking. No matter how handsome a man is, he can't beat a woman!
1-9: https://www.sohu.com/a/276892284_100112100
1-9: 2000RMB
1-10: 范冰冰, 近日关于范冰冰偷税漏税的传言彻底证实了,这是近年来我国税务部门处理的金额最大的偷税漏税的案件,涉及金额近3亿元。
1-10: Fan Bingbing, the recent rumors about Fan Bingbing’s tax evasion and tax evasion have been thoroughly confirmed. This is the largest tax evasion and tax evasion case handled by my country’s taxation authorities in recent years, involving nearly 300 million yuan.
1-10: https://www.sohu.com/a/257600472_113692
1-10: 3000RMB
2-1: 施华洛世奇的水晶,质量与价格完全不匹配,水晶易划花,而且质保不了,关键特别容易褪色,真的很欺骗客户。
2-1: The quality of Swarovski crystals does not match the price at all. The crystals are easy to scratch, and the quality is not guaranteed. The key is especially easy to fade, which really deceives customers.
2-1: http://finance.eastmoney.com/a/202009111630661380.html
2-1: 1900RMB
2-2: 宏信证券,里面各种设置简直就是坑,要么让我们买不了创业股,要么让我们没法大金额的购买股票,用起来真的很生气,这样的软件真的好垃圾。
2-2: Horizon Securities, the various settings in it are simply pits. Either we can't buy startup stocks, or we can't buy stocks for a large amount. It is really angry to use, such software is really rubbish.
2-2: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/36092132
2-2: 1000RMB
2-3: 花粉俱乐部,里面很多的售卖信息都是虚假的,让我们很受欺骗,这种感觉并不好。
2-3: Pollen Club, many of the sales information in it are false, which makes us very deceived. This feeling is not good.
2-3: https://cn.club.vmall.com/thread-27170678-1-1.html
2-3: 2500RMB
2-4: T3出行,经常打一个车半小时以上,有很多无道德的司机接单十几分钟后会选择放弃订单,导致我们等的时间非常久,真的很浪费时间,很没有好感。
2-4: T3 travel. I often take a taxi for more than half an hour. Many unscrupulous drivers will choose to abandon the order after receiving the order for more than ten minutes. This causes us to wait a long time. It is really a waste of time and has no good feelings.
2-4: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/163528029?ivk_sa=1024320u
2-4: 1900RMB
2-5: 现在我们国内很多中小学的老师都会要求学生进项有偿的补课,目的完全不单纯,他们不是为了孩子的功课,而是为了利益,让我们家长真的苦不堪言。
2-5: Now many teachers in our domestic primary and middle schools will require students to enter paid supplementary lessons. The purpose is not pure. They are not for the children's homework, but for the benefit, which makes our parents really miserable.
2-5: https://www.sohu.com/a/455614501_100146935
2-5: 1600RMB
2-6: 世界农场, 骗人网上养殖挣钱, 最后付出了劳动依然提不了现。
2-6: World Farm, tricked people into online farming to make money, but after the end of the labor, it still can't be mentioned.
2-6: http://www.mnw.cn/keji/mi/2082778.html
2-6: 1700RMB
2-7: P2P: 网络借贷公司, 最后爆雷, 导致投资者的钱要不回来, 骗子平台。
2-7: P2P: Internet lending company, which finally exploded, causing investors' money to come back, scammer platform.
2-7: https://www.sohu.com/a/241942205_116132
2-7: 1800RMB
2-8: 安全防护APP, 一个诈骗的网站, 害人无数。
2-8: The security protection APP, a fraudulent website, has caused countless harms.
2-8: https://m.gmw.cn/baijia/2020-10/05/1301635701.html
2-8: 900RMB
2-9: 手机管家PRO 这款App表面上看起来是在清理手机垃圾, 背地里实则在不断偷偷大量获取手机里的信息。
2-9: Phone Manager PRO This App looks like it is cleaning up mobile phone trash, but behind the scenes it keeps on secretly obtaining a large amount of information from the phone.
2-9: https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20210315A0DTIH00
2-9: 1100RMB
2-10: 花猪打车软件, 司机故意绕路乱收费, 投诉无效。
2-10: Huazhu taxi-hailing software, the driver deliberately detours and charges indiscriminately, the complaint is invalid.
2-10: https://tousu.sina.com.cn/complaint/view/17351750506/
2-10: 1200RMB
3-1: 宾利4S店的人, 客户来修车, 把车放4S店几天, 后来要收取客户19万停车费, 简直就是敲诈勒索。
3-1: People from Bentley 4S shop, customers come to repair the car, leave the car in the 4S shop for a few days, and then charge the customer 190,000 parking fees, which is nothing short of extortion.
3-1: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1708927693036654705&wfr=spider&for=pc
3-1: 1700RMB
3-2: 广东普迪文化传播有线公司的老板, 利用员工赚够了钱就解散公司跑去国外, 员工福利完全得不到保障。
3-2: The boss of Guangdong Pudi Culture Communication Cable Co., Ltd. used his employees to make enough money to dissolve the company and went abroad. The employee benefits were not guaranteed at all.
3-2: https://www.sohu.com/a/412698932_120172216
3-2: 1100RMB
3-3: 阿里巴巴的人, 性侵自己的女员工, 真的坏透了。
3-3: The people at Alibaba, who sexually assaulted their female employees, are really bad.
3-3: https://www.163.com/dy/article/GIDDSS910517NG8J.html
3-3: 1100RMB
3-4: 中国人寿吉林磐石支公司的高官, 强奸公司员工6次, 并且骚扰其他女员工。
3-4: Senior officials of China Life Jilin Panshi Branch Company raped company employees 6 times and harassed other female employees.
3-4: https://www.sohu.com/a/408587800_591114
3-4: 800RMB
3-5: 广州码云汽车驾驶员培训服务有限公司, 拖欠47名工人工资高达103万元.
3-5: Guangzhou Mayun Automobile Driver Training Service Co., Ltd. owes 47 workers wages up to 1.03 million yuan
3-5: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1697755065295209703&wfr=spider&for=pc
3-5: 1400RMB
3-6: 开平住宅建筑工程集团有限公司, 拖欠29名工人2020年工资共1037662元。
3-6: Kaiping Residential Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. defaulted on the wages of 29 workers totaling 1037662 yuan in 2020.
3-6: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1697787957203269612&wfr=spider&for=pc
3-6: 2000RMB
3-7: 安徽元一房地产发展有限公司, 欠债不还。
3-7: Anhui Yuanyi Real Estate Development Co, Ltd. is not repaying its debts.
3-7: https://www.sohu.com/a/485622663_260616
3-7: 1100RMB
3-8: 福晟集团, 发行理财产品, 员工必须每人购买20万, 结果后来员工不仅没有拿到收益, 反而连本金都不见了, 都被福晟集团败光了。
3-8: For Sheng Group, to issue wealth management products, employees must each purchase 200,000 yuan. As a result, not only did the employees not get the income, but even the principal was gone, and they were all defeated by Fu Sheng Group.
3-8: https://www.sohu.com/a/127503700_479766
3-8: 1200RMB
3-9: 融创集团, 明明是精装房, 结果房子都没有装修完成, 漏水还严重就交给客户了, 还主动停止赔付, 真的就是一个骗子集团。
3-9: Sunac Group, obviously it is a hard-covered house, but the house has not been renovated, and the water leakage is serious, but it is handed over to the customer. It also voluntarily stopped paying the compensation. It is really a swindler group.
3-9: https://www.sohu.com/a/412126637_120463449
3-9: 1700RMB
3-10: 江苏经纬房地产公司, 里面虚假房产多, 还对客户态度极差, 并且欠债不还。
3-10: Jiangsu Jingwei Real Estate Company, which has many false real estates, has a very bad attitude towards customers, and does not pay off debts.
3-10: http://www.ahwang.cn/p/1537489.html
3-10: 1100RMB
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#hmwyda wishlist:
The entertainment industry in our country is chaotic, and they are also extremely rich. Some of them are just like capitalists, standing at the top of the food chain, and can do whatever they want.
1-1: 吴谢宇, 故意杀人、诈骗、买卖身份证, 曾经是被交口称赞为别人家孩子的北大才子, 如今却是千夫所指的残忍弑母的凶手。吴谢宇杀害母亲的行为严重违背家庭人伦, 践踏人类社会的正常情感, 社会影响极其恶劣, 罪行极其严重。
1-1: Wu Xieyu, deliberately killing, defrauding, buying and selling ID cards, was once a genius of Peking University who was praised as a child of someone else's family, but now he is the murderer of the cruel mother-killer that Qianfu refers to. Wu Xieyu’s murder of his mother seriously violated the family relationship and trampled on the normal emotions of human society. The social impact was extremely bad and the crime was extremely serious.
1-1: https://www.163.com/dy/article/GIDR60DP0534P59R.html
1-1: 3500RMB
1-2: 钱枫, 未经女生同意就跟对方发生关系, 最后还想拿钱收买对方。
1-2: Qian Feng, had a relationship with the other party without the girl's consent, and finally wanted to use money to buy the other party.
1-2: https://www.sohu.com/a/485709088_121057468
1-2: 4000RMB
1-3: 田源, 猥亵刚认识的女生, 出轨自己的家庭, 还不断对别人进行骚扰以及语言猥亵。
1-3: Tian Yuan, molested the girl she just met, cheated on her own family, and constantly harassed others and verbally molested them.
1-3: https://www.163.com/dy/article/GI871I0H0552DTWO.html
1-3: 2000RMB
1-4: 赵薇, 割股民韭菜, 欺诈股民的钱, 把资产转移到国外。
1-4: Zhao Wei, cut stockholders' leek, defraud stockholders' money, transfer assets abroad
1-4: http://www.chnews.net/article/201903/57705.html
1-4: 3000RMB
1-5: 吴亦凡, 性侵未成年人。他伤害了许多人,还想套路,网暴举报人,用权势公关压舆论,这是赤裸裸的阶级斗争,不是简单的娱乐圈出人渣,也不只是单纯的法律问题。
1-5: Wu Yifan, sexually assaulted a minor. He hurt many people and wanted to make routines, report online violence, and suppress public opinion with powerful public relations. This is a naked class struggle, not simply a scumbag in the entertainment industry, nor is it just a simple legal issue.
1-5: http://k.sina.com.cn/article_1734342702_m675ff82e033014hi2.html
1-5: 4500RMB
1-6: 郑爽, 偷税漏税2.99亿 还违法代孕, 弃养小孩。
1-6: Zheng Shuang, tax evasion of 299 million yuan and illegal surrogacy, abandoning children.
1-6: https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20210827A0D78M00
1-6: 2500RMB
1-7: 张恒, 帮助郑爽偷税漏税, 赚取国家的钱财。
1-7: Zhang Heng, help Zheng Shuang to evade taxes and earn the country's money.
1-7: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1709236863647267858&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-7: 1900RMB
1-8: 张哲瀚, 去日本靖国神社参加婚礼, 不记得国人的耻辱。
1-8: Zhang Zhehan, went to the Japanese Yasukuni Shrine to attend the wedding, and can't remember the shame of the Chinese.
1-8: https://finance.sina.com.cn/china/gncj/2021-08-13/doc-ikqciyzm1240089.shtml
1-8: 1600RMB
1-9: 蒋劲夫, 家暴日籍女友中浦悠花,中浦悠花发出的几张伤势照片真是触目惊心。再帅的男人也不能打女人!
1-9: Jiang Jinfu, the domestic violence Japanese girlfriend Zhongpu Yuhua, the few pictures of injuries sent by Zhongpu Yuhua are really shocking. No matter how handsome a man is, he can't beat a woman!
1-9: https://www.sohu.com/a/276892284_100112100
1-9: 2000RMB
1-10: 范冰冰, 近日关于范冰冰偷税漏税的传言彻底证实了,这是近年来我国税务部门处理的金额最大的偷税漏税的案件,涉及金额近3亿元。
1-10: Fan Bingbing, the recent rumors about Fan Bingbing’s tax evasion and tax evasion have been thoroughly confirmed. This is the largest tax evasion and tax evasion case handled by my country’s taxation authorities in recent years, involving nearly 300 million yuan.
1-10: https://www.sohu.com/a/257600472_113692
1-10: 3000RMB
2-1: 施华洛世奇的水晶,质量与价格完全不匹配,水晶易划花,而且质保不了,关键特别容易褪色,真的很欺骗客户。
2-1: The quality of Swarovski crystals does not match the price at all. The crystals are easy to scratch, and the quality is not guaranteed. The key is especially easy to fade, which really deceives customers.
2-1: http://finance.eastmoney.com/a/202009111630661380.html
2-1: 1900RMB
2-2: 宏信证券,里面各种设置简直就是坑,要么让我们买不了创业股,要么让我们没法大金额的购买股票,用起来真的很生气,这样的软件真的好垃圾。
2-2: Horizon Securities, the various settings in it are simply pits. Either we can't buy startup stocks, or we can't buy stocks for a large amount. It is really angry to use, such software is really rubbish.
2-2: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/36092132
2-2: 1000RMB
2-3: 花粉俱乐部,里面很多的售卖信息都是虚假的,让我们很受欺骗,这种感觉并不好。
2-3: Pollen Club, many of the sales information in it are false, which makes us very deceived. This feeling is not good.
2-3: https://cn.club.vmall.com/thread-27170678-1-1.html
2-3: 2500RMB
2-4: T3出行,经常打一个车半小时以上,有很多无道德的司机接单十几分钟后会选择放弃订单,导致我们等的时间非常久,真的很浪费时间,很没有好感。
2-4: T3 travel. I often take a taxi for more than half an hour. Many unscrupulous drivers will choose to abandon the order after receiving the order for more than ten minutes. This causes us to wait a long time. It is really a waste of time and has no good feelings.
2-4: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/163528029?ivk_sa=1024320u
2-4: 1900RMB
2-5: 现在我们国内很多中小学的老师都会要求学生进项有偿的补课,目的完全不单纯,他们不是为了孩子的功课,而是为了利益,让我们家长真的苦不堪言。
2-5: Now many teachers in our domestic primary and middle schools will require students to enter paid supplementary lessons. The purpose is not pure. They are not for the children's homework, but for the benefit, which makes our parents really miserable.
2-5: https://www.sohu.com/a/455614501_100146935
2-5: 1600RMB
2-6: 世界农场, 骗人网上养殖挣钱, 最后付出了劳动依然提不了现。
2-6: World Farm, tricked people into online farming to make money, but after the end of the labor, it still can't be mentioned.
2-6: http://www.mnw.cn/keji/mi/2082778.html
2-6: 1700RMB
2-7: P2P: 网络借贷公司, 最后爆雷, 导致投资者的钱要不回来, 骗子平台。
2-7: P2P: Internet lending company, which finally exploded, causing investors' money to come back, scammer platform.
2-7: https://www.sohu.com/a/241942205_116132
2-7: 1800RMB
2-8: 安全防护APP, 一个诈骗的网站, 害人无数。
2-8: The security protection APP, a fraudulent website, has caused countless harms.
2-8: https://m.gmw.cn/baijia/2020-10/05/1301635701.html
2-8: 900RMB
2-9: 手机管家PRO 这款App表面上看起来是在清理手机垃圾, 背地里实则在不断偷偷大量获取手机里的信息。
2-9: Phone Manager PRO This App looks like it is cleaning up mobile phone trash, but behind the scenes it keeps on secretly obtaining a large amount of information from the phone.
2-9: https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20210315A0DTIH00
2-9: 1100RMB
2-10: 花猪打车软件, 司机故意绕路乱收费, 投诉无效。
2-10: Huazhu taxi-hailing software, the driver deliberately detours and charges indiscriminately, the complaint is invalid.
2-10: https://tousu.sina.com.cn/complaint/view/17351750506/
2-10: 1200RMB
3-1: 宾利4S店的人, 客户来修车, 把车放4S店几天, 后来要收取客户19万停车费, 简直就是敲诈勒索。
3-1: People from Bentley 4S shop, customers come to repair the car, leave the car in the 4S shop for a few days, and then charge the customer 190,000 parking fees, which is nothing short of extortion.
3-1: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1708927693036654705&wfr=spider&for=pc
3-1: 1700RMB
3-2: 广东普迪文化传播有线公司的老板, 利用员工赚够了钱就解散公司跑去国外, 员工福利完全得不到保障。
3-2: The boss of Guangdong Pudi Culture Communication Cable Co., Ltd. used his employees to make enough money to dissolve the company and went abroad. The employee benefits were not guaranteed at all.
3-2: https://www.sohu.com/a/412698932_120172216
3-2: 1100RMB
3-3: 阿里巴巴的人, 性侵自己的女员工, 真的坏透了。
3-3: The people at Alibaba, who sexually assaulted their female employees, are really bad.
3-3: https://www.163.com/dy/article/GIDDSS910517NG8J.html
3-3: 1100RMB
3-4: 中国人寿吉林磐石支公司的高官, 强奸公司员工6次, 并且骚扰其他女员工。
3-4: Senior officials of China Life Jilin Panshi Branch Company raped company employees 6 times and harassed other female employees.
3-4: https://www.sohu.com/a/408587800_591114
3-4: 800RMB
3-5: 广州码云汽车驾驶员培训服务有限公司, 拖欠47名工人工资高达103万元.
3-5: Guangzhou Mayun Automobile Driver Training Service Co., Ltd. owes 47 workers wages up to 1.03 million yuan
3-5: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1697755065295209703&wfr=spider&for=pc
3-5: 1400RMB
3-6: 开平住宅建筑工程集团有限公司, 拖欠29名工人2020年工资共1037662元。
3-6: Kaiping Residential Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. defaulted on the wages of 29 workers totaling 1037662 yuan in 2020.
3-6: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1697787957203269612&wfr=spider&for=pc
3-6: 2000RMB
3-7: 安徽元一房地产发展有限公司, 欠债不还。
3-7: Anhui Yuanyi Real Estate Development Co, Ltd. is not repaying its debts.
3-7: https://www.sohu.com/a/485622663_260616
3-7: 1100RMB
3-8: 福晟集团, 发行理财产品, 员工必须每人购买20万, 结果后来员工不仅没有拿到收益, 反而连本金都不见了, 都被福晟集团败光了。
3-8: For Sheng Group, to issue wealth management products, employees must each purchase 200,000 yuan. As a result, not only did the employees not get the income, but even the principal was gone, and they were all defeated by Fu Sheng Group.
3-8: https://www.sohu.com/a/127503700_479766
3-8: 1200RMB
3-9: 融创集团, 明明是精装房, 结果房子都没有装修完成, 漏水还严重就交给客户了, 还主动停止赔付, 真的就是一个骗子集团。
3-9: Sunac Group, obviously it is a hard-covered house, but the house has not been renovated, and the water leakage is serious, but it is handed over to the customer. It also voluntarily stopped paying the compensation. It is really a swindler group.
3-9: https://www.sohu.com/a/412126637_120463449
3-9: 1700RMB
3-10: 江苏经纬房地产公司, 里面虚假房产多, 还对客户态度极差, 并且欠债不还。
3-10: Jiangsu Jingwei Real Estate Company, which has many false real estates, has a very bad attitude towards customers, and does not pay off debts.
3-10: http://www.ahwang.cn/p/1537489.html
3-10: 1100RMB
#hmwyda wishlist:
The entertainment industry in our country is chaotic, and they are also extremely rich. Some of them are just like capitalists, standing at the top of the food chain, and can do whatever they want.
1-1: 吴谢宇, 故意杀人、诈骗、买卖身份证, 曾经是被交口称赞为别人家孩子的北大才子, 如今却是千夫所指的残忍弑母的凶手。吴谢宇杀害母亲的行为严重违背家庭人伦, 践踏人类社会的正常情感, 社会影响极其恶劣, 罪行极其严重。
1-1: Wu Xieyu, deliberately killing, defrauding, buying and selling ID cards, was once a genius of Peking University who was praised as a child of someone else's family, but now he is the murderer of the cruel mother-killer that Qianfu refers to. Wu Xieyu’s murder of his mother seriously violated the family relationship and trampled on the normal emotions of human society. The social impact was extremely bad and the crime was extremely serious.
1-1: https://www.163.com/dy/article/GIDR60DP0534P59R.html
1-1: 3500RMB
1-2: 钱枫, 未经女生同意就跟对方发生关系, 最后还想拿钱收买对方。
1-2: Qian Feng, had a relationship with the other party without the girl's consent, and finally wanted to use money to buy the other party.
1-2: https://www.sohu.com/a/485709088_121057468
1-2: 4000RMB
1-3: 田源, 猥亵刚认识的女生, 出轨自己的家庭, 还不断对别人进行骚扰以及语言猥亵。
1-3: Tian Yuan, molested the girl she just met, cheated on her own family, and constantly harassed others and verbally molested them.
1-3: https://www.163.com/dy/article/GI871I0H0552DTWO.html
1-3: 2000RMB
1-4: 赵薇, 割股民韭菜, 欺诈股民的钱, 把资产转移到国外。
1-4: Zhao Wei, cut stockholders' leek, defraud stockholders' money, transfer assets abroad
1-4: http://www.chnews.net/article/201903/57705.html
1-4: 3000RMB
1-5: 吴亦凡, 性侵未成年人。他伤害了许多人,还想套路,网暴举报人,用权势公关压舆论,这是赤裸裸的阶级斗争,不是简单的娱乐圈出人渣,也不只是单纯的法律问题。
1-5: Wu Yifan, sexually assaulted a minor. He hurt many people and wanted to make routines, report online violence, and suppress public opinion with powerful public relations. This is a naked class struggle, not simply a scumbag in the entertainment industry, nor is it just a simple legal issue.
1-5: http://k.sina.com.cn/article_1734342702_m675ff82e033014hi2.html
1-5: 4500RMB
1-6: 郑爽, 偷税漏税2.99亿 还违法代孕, 弃养小孩。
1-6: Zheng Shuang, tax evasion of 299 million yuan and illegal surrogacy, abandoning children.
1-6: https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20210827A0D78M00
1-6: 2500RMB
1-7: 张恒, 帮助郑爽偷税漏税, 赚取国家的钱财。
1-7: Zhang Heng, help Zheng Shuang to evade taxes and earn the country's money.
1-7: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1709236863647267858&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-7: 1900RMB
1-8: 张哲瀚, 去日本靖国神社参加婚礼, 不记得国人的耻辱。
1-8: Zhang Zhehan, went to the Japanese Yasukuni Shrine to attend the wedding, and can't remember the shame of the Chinese.
1-8: https://finance.sina.com.cn/china/gncj/2021-08-13/doc-ikqciyzm1240089.shtml
1-8: 1600RMB
1-9: 蒋劲夫, 家暴日籍女友中浦悠花,中浦悠花发出的几张伤势照片真是触目惊心。再帅的男人也不能打女人!
1-9: Jiang Jinfu, the domestic violence Japanese girlfriend Zhongpu Yuhua, the few pictures of injuries sent by Zhongpu Yuhua are really shocking. No matter how handsome a man is, he can't beat a woman!
1-9: https://www.sohu.com/a/276892284_100112100
1-9: 2000RMB
1-10: 范冰冰, 近日关于范冰冰偷税漏税的传言彻底证实了,这是近年来我国税务部门处理的金额最大的偷税漏税的案件,涉及金额近3亿元。
1-10: Fan Bingbing, the recent rumors about Fan Bingbing’s tax evasion and tax evasion have been thoroughly confirmed. This is the largest tax evasion and tax evasion case handled by my country’s taxation authorities in recent years, involving nearly 300 million yuan.
1-10: https://www.sohu.com/a/257600472_113692
1-10: 3000RMB
2-1: 施华洛世奇的水晶,质量与价格完全不匹配,水晶易划花,而且质保不了,关键特别容易褪色,真的很欺骗客户。
2-1: The quality of Swarovski crystals does not match the price at all. The crystals are easy to scratch, and the quality is not guaranteed. The key is especially easy to fade, which really deceives customers.
2-1: http://finance.eastmoney.com/a/202009111630661380.html
2-1: 1900RMB
2-2: 宏信证券,里面各种设置简直就是坑,要么让我们买不了创业股,要么让我们没法大金额的购买股票,用起来真的很生气,这样的软件真的好垃圾。
2-2: Horizon Securities, the various settings in it are simply pits. Either we can't buy startup stocks, or we can't buy stocks for a large amount. It is really angry to use, such software is really rubbish.
2-2: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/36092132
2-2: 1000RMB
2-3: 花粉俱乐部,里面很多的售卖信息都是虚假的,让我们很受欺骗,这种感觉并不好。
2-3: Pollen Club, many of the sales information in it are false, which makes us very deceived. This feeling is not good.
2-3: https://cn.club.vmall.com/thread-27170678-1-1.html
2-3: 2500RMB
2-4: T3出行,经常打一个车半小时以上,有很多无道德的司机接单十几分钟后会选择放弃订单,导致我们等的时间非常久,真的很浪费时间,很没有好感。
2-4: T3 travel. I often take a taxi for more than half an hour. Many unscrupulous drivers will choose to abandon the order after receiving the order for more than ten minutes. This causes us to wait a long time. It is really a waste of time and has no good feelings.
2-4: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/163528029?ivk_sa=1024320u
2-4: 1900RMB
2-5: 现在我们国内很多中小学的老师都会要求学生进项有偿的补课,目的完全不单纯,他们不是为了孩子的功课,而是为了利益,让我们家长真的苦不堪言。
2-5: Now many teachers in our domestic primary and middle schools will require students to enter paid supplementary lessons. The purpose is not pure. They are not for the children's homework, but for the benefit, which makes our parents really miserable.
2-5: https://www.sohu.com/a/455614501_100146935
2-5: 1600RMB
2-6: 世界农场, 骗人网上养殖挣钱, 最后付出了劳动依然提不了现。
2-6: World Farm, tricked people into online farming to make money, but after the end of the labor, it still can't be mentioned.
2-6: http://www.mnw.cn/keji/mi/2082778.html
2-6: 1700RMB
2-7: P2P: 网络借贷公司, 最后爆雷, 导致投资者的钱要不回来, 骗子平台。
2-7: P2P: Internet lending company, which finally exploded, causing investors' money to come back, scammer platform.
2-7: https://www.sohu.com/a/241942205_116132
2-7: 1800RMB
2-8: 安全防护APP, 一个诈骗的网站, 害人无数。
2-8: The security protection APP, a fraudulent website, has caused countless harms.
2-8: https://m.gmw.cn/baijia/2020-10/05/1301635701.html
2-8: 900RMB
2-9: 手机管家PRO 这款App表面上看起来是在清理手机垃圾, 背地里实则在不断偷偷大量获取手机里的信息。
2-9: Phone Manager PRO This App looks like it is cleaning up mobile phone trash, but behind the scenes it keeps on secretly obtaining a large amount of information from the phone.
2-9: https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20210315A0DTIH00
2-9: 1100RMB
2-10: 花猪打车软件, 司机故意绕路乱收费, 投诉无效。
2-10: Huazhu taxi-hailing software, the driver deliberately detours and charges indiscriminately, the complaint is invalid.
2-10: https://tousu.sina.com.cn/complaint/view/17351750506/
2-10: 1200RMB
3-1: 宾利4S店的人, 客户来修车, 把车放4S店几天, 后来要收取客户19万停车费, 简直就是敲诈勒索。
3-1: People from Bentley 4S shop, customers come to repair the car, leave the car in the 4S shop for a few days, and then charge the customer 190,000 parking fees, which is nothing short of extortion.
3-1: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1708927693036654705&wfr=spider&for=pc
3-1: 1700RMB
3-2: 广东普迪文化传播有线公司的老板, 利用员工赚够了钱就解散公司跑去国外, 员工福利完全得不到保障。
3-2: The boss of Guangdong Pudi Culture Communication Cable Co., Ltd. used his employees to make enough money to dissolve the company and went abroad. The employee benefits were not guaranteed at all.
3-2: https://www.sohu.com/a/412698932_120172216
3-2: 1100RMB
3-3: 阿里巴巴的人, 性侵自己的女员工, 真的坏透了。
3-3: The people at Alibaba, who sexually assaulted their female employees, are really bad.
3-3: https://www.163.com/dy/article/GIDDSS910517NG8J.html
3-3: 1100RMB
3-4: 中国人寿吉林磐石支公司的高官, 强奸公司员工6次, 并且骚扰其他女员工。
3-4: Senior officials of China Life Jilin Panshi Branch Company raped company employees 6 times and harassed other female employees.
3-4: https://www.sohu.com/a/408587800_591114
3-4: 800RMB
3-5: 广州码云汽车驾驶员培训服务有限公司, 拖欠47名工人工资高达103万元.
3-5: Guangzhou Mayun Automobile Driver Training Service Co., Ltd. owes 47 workers wages up to 1.03 million yuan
3-5: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1697755065295209703&wfr=spider&for=pc
3-5: 1400RMB
3-6: 开平住宅建筑工程集团有限公司, 拖欠29名工人2020年工资共1037662元。
3-6: Kaiping Residential Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. defaulted on the wages of 29 workers totaling 1037662 yuan in 2020.
3-6: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1697787957203269612&wfr=spider&for=pc
3-6: 2000RMB
3-7: 安徽元一房地产发展有限公司, 欠债不还。
3-7: Anhui Yuanyi Real Estate Development Co, Ltd. is not repaying its debts.
3-7: https://www.sohu.com/a/485622663_260616
3-7: 1100RMB
3-8: 福晟集团, 发行理财产品, 员工必须每人购买20万, 结果后来员工不仅没有拿到收益, 反而连本金都不见了, 都被福晟集团败光了。
3-8: For Sheng Group, to issue wealth management products, employees must each purchase 200,000 yuan. As a result, not only did the employees not get the income, but even the principal was gone, and they were all defeated by Fu Sheng Group.
3-8: https://www.sohu.com/a/127503700_479766
3-8: 1200RMB
3-9: 融创集团, 明明是精装房, 结果房子都没有装修完成, 漏水还严重就交给客户了, 还主动停止赔付, 真的就是一个骗子集团。
3-9: Sunac Group, obviously it is a hard-covered house, but the house has not been renovated, and the water leakage is serious, but it is handed over to the customer. It also voluntarily stopped paying the compensation. It is really a swindler group.
3-9: https://www.sohu.com/a/412126637_120463449
3-9: 1700RMB
3-10: 江苏经纬房地产公司, 里面虚假房产多, 还对客户态度极差, 并且欠债不还。
3-10: Jiangsu Jingwei Real Estate Company, which has many false real estates, has a very bad attitude towards customers, and does not pay off debts.
3-10: http://www.ahwang.cn/p/1537489.html
3-10: 1100RMB