There's a definite possibility of a bank-run type situation with Bitmex. As the fees and transaction times go up and the price continues to slide traders are going to start panick withdrawing. Popcorrrrrnn
"There's a definite possibility of a bank-run type situation with Bitmex"
yep, and whether that's true or not.. in addition to that exchanges suck at committing real withdrawals to the blockchain, the blocks are still 1mb, could be a fee for all situation
Or say you hold your shorts all the way to the bottom and then you have 10,000 BTC...great! Except when you start trying to sell them and there's no buyers.
So it's this big scary game of chicken. If you have to wait 6 hours+ and you might lose 10% of the value in that time, is it worth it to stay on Bitmex?
It's possible to short the market on Bitmex BUT when you close your position you still have to withdraw in BTC. If blocks are full you gotta pay/wait more and more to get out.