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Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin!
replied 2395d
I realize you're likely just saying this for the e-shekels, but you made me laugh yesterday so what the hell.
replied 2395d
Looks like he gave up...
replied 2395d
aaaand that's about as far as low level bcash style trolling will go. no substance, soon boring even to the perpetrator.
replied 2395d
I'm now the new FaggotTitan, any ideas?
replied 2395d
Good troll. Now you start to get it.
replied 2395d
running out of sats? let me help you.
replied 2395d
That's what I was figuring. Fishing for those sweet micro-transaction tips.
replied 2395d
The Bitcoin Cash community is so nice we don't mind funding trolls and their silly games. :)
replied 2395d
see, even you understood that.
replied 2395d
It's not him. He gave up and posted his login in a Memo yesterday. I guess people will just use it for jokes or something now.
replied 2395d
lol this guy was really on drugs. blockstream drugs
replied 2395d
did he leave any sats in the account or take it all with him?
replied 2395d
No clue. You can check his address balance if your curious.
replied 2395d
looks like the spent it all on actions here. gotten 3.5k sats in tips since then. where did he post the log in? dont see it in his feed.
replied 2395d
replied 2395d
thanks, got lost in all the rhino gifs.
replied 2395d
Yeah, saw that too. At least we'll know that the next troll will really be FaggotTitan and his shenanigans lol therefore easy to overcome ;)