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Onboard to BSV? My dude, I've been in Bitcoin since you were probably in diapers. I didn't onboard to BSV. I received BCH and BSV from the forks and I haven't fucked with BTC since the peak in 2017. I've lost about $200K following Craig down this rabbit hole; but I wouldn't have it any other way. Where we're going, we won't have a need for fiat. Twetch is not a successful cult yet, because it was built on a flimsy foundation, and the leaders were too chicken shit to admit that until recently. That's ok though, because we already have everything we need for world domination right here. It's simply about aligning incentives and increasing the signal to noise ratio. 99% of the posts here are noise, but that is going to change soon. I hope you will help be part of the solution. As soon as we all get on the same page, the better.