PoW is like with Bitcoin mining, in Bitcoin miners are like workers, each owns their own hashing power (like their own energy which comes from their money), in one system (business)...
Each miner finds blocks (which is regulated by the system/code and not by some individual or group of people, the way capitalists do) proportionally to amount of work they do...
..& they proportionally get rewards in form of block reward (which is with time meant to be slowly replaced by transaction fees). in Communist business (worker coop) its same principle
Communism is economic system in which means of production is owned by the workers themselves, not the state (which is State Capitalism) or some individual (which is what Capitalism is)
Ed (and other commie lunatics), do you own a #business or do you work for someone? (or do are you a trust-fund baby like most famous #communist usually are)
Each worker should get rewarded (in form of a wage) proportionally with amount of work they have done. If someone doesn't do any work, they should get no reward (like share holders)
Workers should democratically and collectively make all decisions, like any healthy community does, and decide what to produce, how, how much each person should get paid etc.
Naturally some jobs are more demanding them others, and this should be taken into account, point being is, there is no 1 person that makes all these decisions, but all workers do.