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有一次我相信美好的未來。 但是世界上有很多壞人
Once I believed in a good future. But there are many bad people in the world
#hmwyda wishlist:
1-1. 成龍和吳綺莉在婚姻中被騙並傷害了她的家人 13%
1-1. Jackie Chan cheated on Wu Qili, thus causing great pain to the family.
1-1. Info this:
1-1. https://www.163.com/dy/article/G5I6C01V0525TG49.html
1-1. https://new.qq.com/omn/20210321/20210321A06ADS00.html
1-2. 在妻子懷孕期間欺騙女演員的馬慶偉使妻子終生不育。 20%
1-2. Ma Qingwei stabs his wife in the stomach, provoking a miscarriage. The killer of the unborn child.
1-2. Info this:
1-2. https://www.sohu.com/a/398636614_120183504
1-2. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1673698056317653516&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-3. 年輕人毀了這個家庭。 與妓女欺騙女友 22%
1-3. Roseand Queen. He sold intimate photos of his wife. Destroyed the psyche of children.
1-3. Info this:
1-3. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1694919723515163485&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-4. 鄭仁的寄養父母,只有天大的孩子被殘酷地毆打致死,真的應該被砍掉 12%
1-4. Znhen Rin's adoptive parents nearly killed their newborn baby.
1-4. Info this:
1-4. https://weibo.com/tv/show/1034:4615870291574840?from=old_pc_videoshow
1-4. https://new.qq.com/omn/20210319/20210319A00B8P00.html
1-5. 我討厭鄭凱,覺得他是個好玩的男孩,不負責任 12%
1-5. I hate Dzen Kei, he is a deep and rude addict. Sells drugs near the house
1-5. Info this:
1-5. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1695532227696754748.html?fr=iks&word=%B3%C2%CF%FE%ABh&ie=gbk
1-5. https://weibo.com/yvonneching1019
1-6. 我討厭傑 他說話太多了。他曾經說過如果受傷就不會結婚,但他又結婚了。我覺得他是叛徒 21%
1-6. I hate Jio. At school we wanted to have a wedding with him. But he chose another person over me.
1-6. Info this:
1-6. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1626782684682502345&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-6. https://weibo.com/hejie
1-7. 我討厭范炳彬,賺了這麼多錢,避稅 12%
1-7. I hate Fansi Binin, he doesn't pay taxes. Steals money from people
1-7. Info this:
1-7. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/2081128458988434108.html
1-7. https://weibo.com/fbb0916
1-8. 浙江省溫嶺幼兒園的幼稚園老師閆在幼兒園虐待了孩子們。 真可惡 14%
1-8. Kindergarten teacher Yan Wenling was selling children in kindergarten. It's terrible
1-8. Info this:
1-8. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%A2%9C%E8%89%B3%E7%BA%A2/5647572?fr=aladdin
1-8. https://m.qbaobei.com/mipa/232441.html
1-9. 吳政聯也是一個沒有良心的人,他綁架並賣掉了每個人都討厭的無數孩子。 2%
1-9. Zhenglian is a very bad person. Sells children's organs on the secret black market.
1-9. Info this:
1-9. https://www.sohu.com/a/341253914_100266625
1-9. https://www.chazidian.com/netstar5649/
1-10. 綁架並賣掉了無數孩子的梅姨仍然逍遙法外。 希望有一天我能盡快抓住她。 25 %
1-10. T May, she kidnapped and raped and killed many children. He is still at large. They can't catch her.
1-10. Info this:
1-10. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%A2%85%E5%A7%A8/23816040?fr=aladdin
1-10. https://www.zhihu.com/question/356411418
2-1. 石傑。除了非法收集個人信息外,他們還經常過度收集權限。 5%
2-1. ShiJie, sell personal information to third parties
2-1. Info this:
2-1. http://www.zg-sj.com/
2-2. 一個擁有億資金的MBA金融平台。 13%
2-2. Financial pyramid MBA. Steals money. Unlawfully arranges a casino
2-2. Info this:
2-2. http://www.chemmade.com/
2-3. 我討厭,尤其是當他打電話上班時。5%
2-3. Qq company. telephone scammers. convicts.
2-3. Info this:
2-3. https://www.qq.com/
2-4. 應用程序違反規則收集個人信息。 21%
2-4. Miyue app steals confidential data.
2-4. Info this:
2-4. https://www.daidaidj.com/
2-5. 瑤榮商品貿易中心吸引了多名婦女兌現。 22%
2-5. Yaorong Commodity Trade Center. About 50 women were kidnapped. Steal money. This must stop.
2-5. Info this:
2-5. http://252841606.globalimporter-cn.net/
2-6. 我不喜歡寫更多內容並播放所有廣告。 13%
2-6. Too complicated captcha. A lot of recalma. Viruses.
2-6. Info this:
2-6. https://mobile.hnzycfc.com/
2-7. 網站上披露了違反規定收集的個人信息。 5%
2-7. IqiJiaoYou site, Personal information collected in violation of regulations is released.
2-7. Info this:
2-7. http://www.iqijiaoyou1.cc/
2-8. 會竊取機密信息。10%
2-8. HiWan App steals confidential information. Sells phone numbers to third parties
2-8. Info this:
2-8. http://www.woqiui.net/
2-9. 每天討厭基金,說什麼,不要說重點 15%
2-9. I hate the foundation Every day. They always lie. Invalid information.
2-9. Info this:
2-9. https://fund.eastmoney.com/
2-10. 我不喜歡 那裡有太多人在吹牛。 32%
2-10. Tiktok bullshit. Too badly organized. Children are fucked there.
2-10. Info this:
2-10. https://www.douyin.com/
3-1. 南京雨帆建設服務有限公司,作為悅蘭灣酒店翻新工程的一部分,無理欠農民工工資 23%
3-1. Nanjing Yufan Construction Service Co. Ltd., does not pay salaries to migrant workers.
3-1. Info this:
3-1. https://aiqicha.baidu.com/company_directors_11197100977854
3-2. 福建省兒童保健品公司董事。 製造商沒有良心。 乳脂中含有激素,因此,嬰兒的頭部變得很大。 11%
3-2. Director of Fujian Children's Health Products Company. Produces poisonous goods for children. The younger generation is being killed.
3-2. Info this:
3-2. http://www.u1552108137138.aicao.cn/
3-3. 小米這個謙虛的品牌的員工也希望成為一站式製造商。 12%
3-3. Xiaomi employee, monopolists of the Chinese market. Want to take over the world
3-3. Info this:
3-3. https://www.mi.com
3-4. 有限公司,安徽省建設勞動服務有限公司,向榮鑫新城大廈項目中的農民工外派工資 33%
3-4. Ltd., Anhui You Province Construction Labor Service Co., again does not pay migrant workers.
3-4. Info this:
3-4. https://www.qichamao.com/orgcompany/searchitemdtl/dcde3923b08791982b001d916c371a70.html
3-5. 黑鹿企業三鹿奶粉的負責人傷害了無數兒童,摧毀了無數家庭。。 23%
3-5. Director of Sanlu Milk Powder, make milk with lactose, but don't write about it. Poison children with this.
3-5. Info this:
3-5. http://sanlu.21food.cn/
3-6. 榮創集團的一名僱員沒有良心出售房屋,並且是一個黑心的商人。 21%
3-6. Tongchuang Group employee. These are black realtors. Scammers. They sell non-existent houses.
3-6. Info this:
3-6. http://www.hftcjs.com/
3-7. 安徽旭峰勞務服務有限公司會員 土地雙清灣項目拖欠農民工工資。 51%
3-7. Member of Anhui Xufeng Labor Service Co. Ltd., do not pay salaries to migrants. Instead, guest workers receive only food.
3-7. Info this:
3-7. https://www.qcc.com/firm/171d059c6e249eed0def1cdd5998b37b.html
3-8. 金鄉幼兒園教育者,兒童體罰 32%
3-8. Jinxiang kindergarten teachers beat children. cripple the psyche of children.
3-8. Info this:
3-8. http://tyjdb.5858.com/
3-9. 溫江東辰學校的一位老師出於自私的原因,不分青紅皂白地指責學生。 12%
3-9. A teacher at Dongchen School in Wenjiang, stealing money from students. Scoops out the parents' funds
3-9. Info this:
3-9. http://www.dcwgy.com/
3-10. 合肥同創建築工程有限公司會員 有限公司,無理地欠城南之星項目的農民工工資 21%
3-10. Member of Hefei Tongchuang Building Engineering Co. Ltd., instead of money, migrants are paid with food and bananas.
3-10. Info this:
3-10. http://www.hftcjs.com/
有一次我相信美好的未來。 但是世界上有很多壞人
Once I believed in a good future. But there are many bad people in the world
#hmwyda wishlist:
1-1. 成龍和吳綺莉在婚姻中被騙並傷害了她的家人 13%
1-1. Jackie Chan cheated on Wu Qili, thus causing great pain to the family.
1-1. Info this:
1-1. https://www.163.com/dy/article/G5I6C01V0525TG49.html
1-1. https://new.qq.com/omn/20210321/20210321A06ADS00.html
1-2. 在妻子懷孕期間欺騙女演員的馬慶偉使妻子終生不育。 20%
1-2. Ma Qingwei stabs his wife in the stomach, provoking a miscarriage. The killer of the unborn child.
1-2. Info this:
1-2. https://www.sohu.com/a/398636614_120183504
1-2. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1673698056317653516&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-3. 年輕人毀了這個家庭。 與妓女欺騙女友 22%
1-3. Roseand Queen. He sold intimate photos of his wife. Destroyed the psyche of children.
1-3. Info this:
1-3. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1694919723515163485&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-4. 鄭仁的寄養父母,只有天大的孩子被殘酷地毆打致死,真的應該被砍掉 12%
1-4. Znhen Rin's adoptive parents nearly killed their newborn baby.
1-4. Info this:
1-4. https://weibo.com/tv/show/1034:4615870291574840?from=old_pc_videoshow
1-4. https://new.qq.com/omn/20210319/20210319A00B8P00.html
1-5. 我討厭鄭凱,覺得他是個好玩的男孩,不負責任 12%
1-5. I hate Dzen Kei, he is a deep and rude addict. Sells drugs near the house
1-5. Info this:
1-5. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1695532227696754748.html?fr=iks&word=%B3%C2%CF%FE%ABh&ie=gbk
1-5. https://weibo.com/yvonneching1019
1-6. 我討厭傑 他說話太多了。他曾經說過如果受傷就不會結婚,但他又結婚了。我覺得他是叛徒 21%
1-6. I hate Jio. At school we wanted to have a wedding with him. But he chose another person over me.
1-6. Info this:
1-6. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1626782684682502345&wfr=spider&for=pc
1-6. https://weibo.com/hejie
1-7. 我討厭范炳彬,賺了這麼多錢,避稅 12%
1-7. I hate Fansi Binin, he doesn't pay taxes. Steals money from people
1-7. Info this:
1-7. https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/2081128458988434108.html
1-7. https://weibo.com/fbb0916
1-8. 浙江省溫嶺幼兒園的幼稚園老師閆在幼兒園虐待了孩子們。 真可惡 14%
1-8. Kindergarten teacher Yan Wenling was selling children in kindergarten. It's terrible
1-8. Info this:
1-8. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%A2%9C%E8%89%B3%E7%BA%A2/5647572?fr=aladdin
1-8. https://m.qbaobei.com/mipa/232441.html
1-9. 吳政聯也是一個沒有良心的人,他綁架並賣掉了每個人都討厭的無數孩子。 2%
1-9. Zhenglian is a very bad person. Sells children's organs on the secret black market.
1-9. Info this:
1-9. https://www.sohu.com/a/341253914_100266625
1-9. https://www.chazidian.com/netstar5649/
1-10. 綁架並賣掉了無數孩子的梅姨仍然逍遙法外。 希望有一天我能盡快抓住她。 25 %
1-10. T May, she kidnapped and raped and killed many children. He is still at large. They can't catch her.
1-10. Info this:
1-10. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%A2%85%E5%A7%A8/23816040?fr=aladdin
1-10. https://www.zhihu.com/question/356411418
2-1. 石傑。除了非法收集個人信息外,他們還經常過度收集權限。 5%
2-1. ShiJie, sell personal information to third parties
2-1. Info this:
2-1. http://www.zg-sj.com/
2-2. 一個擁有億資金的MBA金融平台。 13%
2-2. Financial pyramid MBA. Steals money. Unlawfully arranges a casino
2-2. Info this:
2-2. http://www.chemmade.com/
2-3. 我討厭,尤其是當他打電話上班時。5%
2-3. Qq company. telephone scammers. convicts.
2-3. Info this:
2-3. https://www.qq.com/
2-4. 應用程序違反規則收集個人信息。 21%
2-4. Miyue app steals confidential data.
2-4. Info this:
2-4. https://www.daidaidj.com/
2-5. 瑤榮商品貿易中心吸引了多名婦女兌現。 22%
2-5. Yaorong Commodity Trade Center. About 50 women were kidnapped. Steal money. This must stop.
2-5. Info this:
2-5. http://252841606.globalimporter-cn.net/
2-6. 我不喜歡寫更多內容並播放所有廣告。 13%
2-6. Too complicated captcha. A lot of recalma. Viruses.
2-6. Info this:
2-6. https://mobile.hnzycfc.com/
2-7. 網站上披露了違反規定收集的個人信息。 5%
2-7. IqiJiaoYou site, Personal information collected in violation of regulations is released.
2-7. Info this:
2-7. http://www.iqijiaoyou1.cc/
2-8. 會竊取機密信息。10%
2-8. HiWan App steals confidential information. Sells phone numbers to third parties
2-8. Info this:
2-8. http://www.woqiui.net/
2-9. 每天討厭基金,說什麼,不要說重點 15%
2-9. I hate the foundation Every day. They always lie. Invalid information.
2-9. Info this:
2-9. https://fund.eastmoney.com/
2-10. 我不喜歡 那裡有太多人在吹牛。 32%
2-10. Tiktok bullshit. Too badly organized. Children are fucked there.
2-10. Info this:
2-10. https://www.douyin.com/
3-1. 南京雨帆建設服務有限公司,作為悅蘭灣酒店翻新工程的一部分,無理欠農民工工資 23%
3-1. Nanjing Yufan Construction Service Co. Ltd., does not pay salaries to migrant workers.
3-1. Info this:
3-1. https://aiqicha.baidu.com/company_directors_11197100977854
3-2. 福建省兒童保健品公司董事。 製造商沒有良心。 乳脂中含有激素,因此,嬰兒的頭部變得很大。 11%
3-2. Director of Fujian Children's Health Products Company. Produces poisonous goods for children. The younger generation is being killed.
3-2. Info this:
3-2. http://www.u1552108137138.aicao.cn/
3-3. 小米這個謙虛的品牌的員工也希望成為一站式製造商。 12%
3-3. Xiaomi employee, monopolists of the Chinese market. Want to take over the world
3-3. Info this:
3-3. https://www.mi.com
3-4. 有限公司,安徽省建設勞動服務有限公司,向榮鑫新城大廈項目中的農民工外派工資 33%
3-4. Ltd., Anhui You Province Construction Labor Service Co., again does not pay migrant workers.
3-4. Info this:
3-4. https://www.qichamao.com/orgcompany/searchitemdtl/dcde3923b08791982b001d916c371a70.html
3-5. 黑鹿企業三鹿奶粉的負責人傷害了無數兒童,摧毀了無數家庭。。 23%
3-5. Director of Sanlu Milk Powder, make milk with lactose, but don't write about it. Poison children with this.
3-5. Info this:
3-5. http://sanlu.21food.cn/
3-6. 榮創集團的一名僱員沒有良心出售房屋,並且是一個黑心的商人。 21%
3-6. Tongchuang Group employee. These are black realtors. Scammers. They sell non-existent houses.
3-6. Info this:
3-6. http://www.hftcjs.com/
3-7. 安徽旭峰勞務服務有限公司會員 土地雙清灣項目拖欠農民工工資。 51%
3-7. Member of Anhui Xufeng Labor Service Co. Ltd., do not pay salaries to migrants. Instead, guest workers receive only food.
3-7. Info this:
3-7. https://www.qcc.com/firm/171d059c6e249eed0def1cdd5998b37b.html
3-8. 金鄉幼兒園教育者,兒童體罰 32%
3-8. Jinxiang kindergarten teachers beat children. cripple the psyche of children.
3-8. Info this:
3-8. http://tyjdb.5858.com/
3-9. 溫江東辰學校的一位老師出於自私的原因,不分青紅皂白地指責學生。 12%
3-9. A teacher at Dongchen School in Wenjiang, stealing money from students. Scoops out the parents' funds
3-9. Info this:
3-9. http://www.dcwgy.com/
3-10. 合肥同創建築工程有限公司會員 有限公司,無理地欠城南之星項目的農民工工資 21%
3-10. Member of Hefei Tongchuang Building Engineering Co. Ltd., instead of money, migrants are paid with food and bananas.
3-10. Info this:
3-10. http://www.hftcjs.com/