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replied 2345d
Sk8eM dUb
Laws are simply observations of phenomena. Gravity is very easily proven. The theories behind WHY it happens, when/where it applies, etc. are not “proven”
replied 2345d
I do not need to study anything to observe that gravity exists. Science is making itself important to create authorities. Mathematics is the only science that is really useful/proven.
replied 2345d
Oh but Physics is mother of all sciences, mathematics is like the language
replied 2344d
Physics is based on Mathematics. How can physics be the mother if it depends on mathematics? Language are letters and words which describe mathematics.
replied 2344d
Its other way around, mathematics is language to represent the natural laws, which are laws of Physics.
replied 2344d
Ok I give up you reject logic thinking out of pure stubbornness.
replied 2344d
This is logical thinking, natural law is the rule which is laws of Physics, which is explained with mathematics.
replied 2344d
Child needs mother to be born. Nature doesnt need physics. Mathematics doesnt need physics. Physics needs both of them to exist. There you see who is the mother and who is the child.
replied 2343d
Mathematics is a language... it is used to describe natural laws, which is laws of Physics.
replied 2343d
What? Nature is Physics.
replied 2345d
Mathematics isn't even a science...
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2345d
If every piece of matter in the universe doesn't obey it consistently 100% it's a pretty lousy law. The devil's always in the details! That's why we have magic stuff like dark matter.
replied 2345d
... probably impossible to ever actually observe first hand.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2345d
Exactly. That's why the words "prove" and "law" are just not very helpful. As if the universe obeys the slight electrical impulses in a few groups of atoms on one random planet.
replied 2345d
It's impossible to say that anything will apply to every "piece of matter". The best we can do is define patterns in what we can observe. Many theories involve phenomena that are...
replied 2345d
Most science is not based on observation but on false assumptions and people who believe in books more than in their own ability to think logical. Modern science creates sheeps.
replied 2345d
I'm genuinely not sure if you are being satirical or not.