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2111d · Memo Suggestions
Any ETA on when we will be able to hide / mute users and topics. The spam of some individuals is making it hard to follow discussions or have any at all in certain topics...
replied 2101d
It's becoming highly requested, so it's moving up the priority list.
replied 2110d
lol. "some individuals..." "certain topics..."
replied 2108d
You see something I don't? LOL
replied 2107d
lol nah, just that I think we all know who iru is talking about.
replied 2099d
please define "spam" for me and give me an example here on Memo,
i dont see lots of "spam" myself, like others do.
just a few bots who you wont discuss anything with anyway
replied 2110d
Get Memo++, a chrome browser plugin, it has mute and verify.
replied 2109d
I use brave
replied 2108d
Me too.