In Canada we throw out an entire political party about once a generation. We do 9t by not voting for them. America should try it
America can't do it because it's more important geopolitically than Canada is. If the corporate elite want to keep running their globalism scam they need to keep it deadlocked.
First of all globalism is not a scam. Globalism is not ven a bad thing. Second, the two party system creates the illusion of not having choice. People are too tribal in the US.
Ever read "agenda 21/2030" and all this sustainable development garbage? It's authoritarianism pure and simple. Elite, tax exempt assholes planned out every square inch of the planet.
It IS a scam. I don't like people in DC telling me what I can and can't do and taking my money at the point of a gun to keep the war machine running... and that's in my own country!
So, it doesn't matter what the group wants, it matters who can kill whom first? When does it matter what the group wants and not who can kill whom first?
When you are talking about a few people, yes. Technically even at the large scale, yes. As log as we are not trying to kill one another then it becomes group decision making.
These are tiny numbers, but yes. I am not saying it would be right, but it is what would happen. I am treating these as questions of what is, not what should be.
So, killing people by mass vote is a form of group decision making? Wouldn't not killing by discussion also be such? How do you know murder or theft is what would happen (what is)?
If people decide to kill then someone dies. I'm not really sure what you are asking. I dont know what would happen. Again, I am not talking about what should happen.
Speculating? Sure. I am not saying there literally is a group of 100 deciding to kill someone. You asked of a group who decided to kill could kill. I am saying yes.
Care to comment on anything he actually said in the video, or the point that he's making - which is that there are many many factions on "the right" that are very disparate?
It has NOTHING to do with tribalism, I want everyone to be free the world over. Globalism means NO ONE is free, NO country is sovereign over it's own affairs. It's technocratic tyranny
So you think it's a good thing for people from foreign lands to come into your country and tell you how to run your own affairs? I thought lefties were supposed to be anti-colonial?
If by "tell you how to run your land" you mean be willing to take part in the democratic process, then to a point, yes. Maybe after having lived there for a period.
Not mob rule. That is direct democracy, which often isn't very good. Representative democracy, aka a republic, is quite civilised. Either way yes, that is civilization.
You can't have a republic without a constitution and enforcement mechanisms that are very very difficult to change or "reinterpret" via changing the language.
And if the consensus is that no centralized global governing body has any authority over any countries internal affairs or their relationships with other sovereign independent nations?
As long as those internal affairs do not violate a global constitution. Also sovereignty needs to be diminished. National sovereignty is not a good thing.
Who writes the "global constitution"? I'll tell you - the rich and powerful corporate elites of the world who wish to continue paying no taxes and paying their workers slave wages.
Ok, what if they're given the supreme power you'd like to give them and then then they change it to something that's NOT "pretty solid"? Ever seen Star Wars?
So a unanimous vote? lol, what are you smoking? The Empire form Star Wars = universal government who threatens your home with a super-weapon if you don't obey them. 100% appropriate.
This is all drastically oversimplified. It isn't just a one time here is a consitutuoks someone whipped up. Vote yes or have it forced. They would form it together.
On the contrary, the devil is in all the tiny little details that benefit one country and rape others in the name of "greater good" or as the UN calls it "sustainable development"
Globalization is fine. A bureaucracy picking winners and losers is counterproductive to fair global trade. It only props up the monopolies that are responsible for it's existence.
Then dont have a bureaucracy picking winners and losers in trade. Free trade would work better. The less restrictions on the movement of assets the better.
Better to ask, how is it not? It allows a couple layers of sober thought between mob rule and actual rule, while maintaining the collective will of the people.
It is not civilized because it is based on being ruled, whether that be "mob rule" or "actual rule": 100% consent is not ascertained by every single individual; aka, slavery.
Hierarchies are a good thing, and a mark of a civilization. It isn't slavery to have people in charge. Slavery is something very specific. Not just general leadership.
What is slavery? If owing 100% of someone's labor is slavery, is owning 1% of their labor something different? With people in charge, how are those who do not consent, consenting?
No one owns your labour in the current system but yourself. You sell your labour. Someone will purchase your labour if they have a demand for it. What labour you offer matters.
The big scare in the US right now is that foreign governments are interfering in our elections. You seem to be saying that's a good thing, for a local population to obey foreign power.
Oh, foreign powers can't meddle in the pre-selected US elections much. You can't really influence a rigged game where whoever wins, everyone loses anyway.
Ah yes, the question is not if it's rigged, but WHO is doing the rigging and to whom/what is their allegiance? I do think that Trump was a whoopsies judging from the leaked DNC emails.
The hidden government. All that really matters is that people keep asking to be ruled. Doesn't matter who is on the throne, except for those who would dismantle it.
So you get a compliant population to immigrate and "live there for a period" until they can vote your country into the global bureaucracy. Sounds like an foreign invasion to me.
What happens if a countries representative democracy vote to leave the global representative democracy? Do bigger countries get more votes in that body?
They cant leave the world. The world is too small to not have s global authority. I would see nations as sending representatives, with nations deciding how they choose their rep.
So you're down with forced "regime change"? Resistance is futile?? North Korea(newsflash, China is worse than NK) should just be straight up invaded and their government "replaced"??
Sure. That said obey is a poor choice of a word. It would be if they failed to uphold the constitution. At which point hopefully America would already be fighting its government.
I'll check it out later, but of course multi trillion dollar industries exert a lot of control. Look at how much they are attacking Elon Musk for threatening their industry.
WHAT constitution written and ratified by WHOM? If you don't think massive authoritarian corporate interests are the ones writing the rules you're beyond ignorant.
A global constitution written by the the nations leaders representatives, or more likely a community, and then voted on by those reps, needing a high majority to be accepted.
Wouldn't be up to me, and depends on if they have Senstors of a kind as well. I am guessing they would go with each nation getting one. Representing regions makes more sense.
😂😂😂 I love you lefties. Fat cat capitalists are everything that's wrong with the world! Politicians never ever ever take bribes from them to perpetuate their monopoies no nooo
Capitalism is a great thing, and hardly what is wrong with the world. Sure power corrupts, but that is natural. Businesses would love more stable global markets though.
You'll have to reconcile the statements "It doesn't matter what you as an individual want" and "Globalism means more freedom for all". Who is "all"? Like freedom for a group?
All is a group, yes. Humanity would be that group. There is nothing to reconcile. If there was a global constitution that all nations where held to, there would be more freedom for all
At this point it would be fine to remove governments that disagree. Voluntary is nice, but not required. Better it happen now then wait for the last dictators to agree.
Global governments, and institutions. A global constitution that all nations are held to. A body that is higher than national governments. Global free trade, and freedom of movement.
A global government would be higher than a nations government. The idea would be a global constitution that all governments are held to. Constitution are negative rights lists.
larger govs (ie tribes, city-states, then states, nations) have not reduced corruption/abuses of power. Why would yet another, larger gov “hold ppl” to anything?
Yes they can. I am not stopping them. I have no problem with people creating their own communities independant of established communities. Lots of land to do that in North America.
doesn’t sound that way from the rest of the thread: “Not paying taxes is theft. Taxes are payment for services rendered. If you choose to live in a place that gets the benefits of
taxes you are morally obligated to pay.” “National autonomy. The right to complete independance. The ability to completely resist utside interference. The world could use nations
One is talking about individuals, the other about nation states. People can move to the middle of nowhere to not have less obligation to pay taxes if they want.
Global constitution is fine as long as it's installed like amendments to US Constitution: overwhelming majority in each country. Unlikely to occur, especially when we go crossplanetary
Competing to have the public want you to represent them. How is that not competition? Competing to have a greater majority consider you a viable representative.
True. For governments to compete for citizens requires freedom of movement. Living standards and job opportunities would be how they would compete then.
An alternative would be smaller competing states. & because (actual) free trade allows open societies to out compete closed off societies the world would become more open.
the risk is that “bad” people can be shut out of the entire system (blacklisted) with no where else to go. Much like billions are shut out of the banking system now.
A majority enslaving the minority is not "competition" in any reasonable meaning of the word. Competition means A doing their thing, and B doing their thing.
You say enslaving when there is no enslavement. A competition requires A andBto be doing something against one another. It isn't competing if the actions of each are not related.
Look at the real world. Do you really need me to give you a lesson on constitutions? Judges shoot down laws that are unconstitutional. Judiciary over rules the government.
Yes... I've been jumping back and forth between national and global discussions. That said it would be the same as in all western nations. A court would overturn unconstitutional laws.
HOW are any of those held to anything? What holds anyone to any constitution? The current one is disregarded. Not that it matters, since it embeds theft, calling it taxation.
Setting aside the absurdity of seeing taxation as theft, the constitution is being observed. Maybe not by your interpretation, but that just shows the importance of interpretation.
Not paying taxes is theft. Taxes are payment for services rendered. If you choose to live in a place that gets the benefits of taxes you are morally obligated to pay.
You can have nations under a global government the same way you have provinces and states under a federal government. It would just be an additional layer.
Sort of like the UN then, but with more power over nation states? What areas of life would it dictate? If a religion gains global majority, could it impose religious law globally?
Almost. The UN has no real enforcement ability though. They give a strongly worded letter to nations that break the rules. Also they dont give jurisdiction on international waters.
I did make it up. A global government should have the authority to hold nations to a constitution. Restricting the powers of national governments over their people.
Yes, at least in how I would like to see it. Restricting governments from abusing their people. Freedom of movement to prevent nations like North Korea from enslaving their people
But also allow those who do not consent viable alternatives. Perhaps an anarcho-primitive human reservation. Perhaps a one-way ticket to any other sovereign they can apply for asylum.
You grew up knowing you were receiving those benefits, and would be asked go pay your share when you could. If you didn't make plans to leave hen you consented.
I do. Your analogy also doesn't work. Your family and friends understand the great deal they are getting. You are free to choose to leave. You wont be tracked down like the mafia.
Free to go live in the woods. Sometimes you can even benefit from absconded places. Ghost towns and such. The US has some communities like that. It is an option.
My family and friends understand that if they don't pay they get put in a cage. You're not even free to leave. You don't understand what you're talking about.
One individual disgarees with millions, which means it is on the individual to leave. The millions are not the ones to leave. Even in terms of private property, the individual leaves.
Thousands is one in hundreds of thousands then. Not one in millions. As it is the anarchist community is divided and fractured into sub groups, which displays how it cant work.
Your selective attention and idea about how a group of people who associate over the idea that taxation is theft, means that having society based on voluntary interactions can't work?
That's what you consider as needing agreement? No wonder you think it doesn't work. I wouldn't if I thought all schools of anarchism had to work together, either.
Staying creates the obligation. You may not understand the value of having been born in a stable nation, but that doesn't mean you didn't benefit from it.
Taxes aren't voluntary. No one ever said they were. They are mandatory, you receive shit from the government that you didn't ask for and are expected to pay.
Like those guys that randomly come up and wipe your windows without you asking at all, and then they bang on your car and scream at you when you don't pay them.
Because apparently informing ourselves when we make political decisions is too hard to do. We simply just have to trust it to people that are more "capable" than us to make decisions.
In a world where anyone can vote, and inform themselves on political matters from the comfort of their home with a internet connected device paired with blockchain security to boot.
What about (un)SilentSam? 😎 This place is such a good uncensorable & immutable microcosm of online opinion shaping and disinformation. It will make a great study someday ✍🏼
You can always go live in the wilderness. No one is stopping you. That said the penalty for not paying taxes isn't the same everywhere. They dont jail you in Canada.
It is harsh that the USA enforces taxes that hard, but the fact that the requirement is enforced does not lead to why you are not obligated to pay in the first place.
It should be a simple concept. At a basic level we are obligated to be good to one another. The fact that we enforce laws people agree upon doesnt mean we are not obligated to be good.
To be more specific one is obligated to pay for the services rendered. One can choose to leave the society that uses taxation, and no longer be obligated to pay.
"You grew up knowing you were receiving those benefits, and would be asked go pay your share when you could. If you didn't make plans to leave hen you consented." - SILENTSAM
Ah, anarco-capitalists. You should stop arguing that taxes are immoral because they're involuntary. How about arguing that their immoral because it's stealing.
By the same logic if you are held at gun point & asked for all your money, you can choose to not give it up at the risk of getting shot. That does not make giving it up voluntary.
This all of course assumes you agree that money you earn from your own work belongs to you. You could try to argue all money earned/value created belongs to the group.
All actions have repercussions. Good, or bad. That said the repercussions of not paying taxes differs by country. He IRS arrests you and the CRA sends strongly worded letters.
In the case of taxation it is. It isn't nearly staying, or leaving. It is a matter of receiving the benefits everyone there pays into, while acting as if you dont have to contribute.
Staying on earth (because pretty much everywhere is a tax farm now) validates being stolen from, because you benefitted from previous work not done explicitly for you?
To a certain degree though, yes it does. Humans are social creatures, and we have put a lot of work into civilization. Humans expect other humans to contribute. We are social creatures
The only theft is by those not paying their taxes while living off of the benefits of them. It is theft from the community. This leaves the society free to reject you.
Yes, and no. Healthcare is an example how? How is this related to the idea of taxation as theft though? Many different nations have different competing systems over time.
I am familiar with how it helps the system and reduces costs. It made things more efficient. That said Obamacare is a right wing healthcare system. Single payer would have been better.
So, those who reject the idea of taxation based on its involuntary nature and speak out against it as a violation of consent, aren't being stolen from?
It is a trade that the people have agreed upon communally. Attempting to live there without paying taxes would be the only real theft. Leaving would be how you would avoid stealing.
Not everywhere. There are lots of places one can go. Many still within national borders letting you still benefit a small amount for free. Lots of land outside of civilization.
True, and I do have a different perspective living in a country that has a lot of land you can live on without having to pay taxes. They also do not jail you for not paying taxes here.
You can technically be criminally charged, but to do so they have to throw out all evidence against you before a crininal investigation can begin. They dont press criminal charges.
What one individual thinks of globalism does not matter as much as what globalism inevitably becomes. What the people collectively want from globalism.
Then, since you are an individual, does it matter what you think of globalism? I'm trying to get you to be more specific. This is vague gibberish to me.
No it doesn't really matter. Group decisions are made by many individuals. Each individual doesn't get everything they want. That is how people confuse democracy with tyranny.
If it doesn't matter what you think about globalism, why are you trying to convince other people that globalism isn't a scam? Or are you saying that, alone, your opinion do much?
What do you mean by "matter?" I am trying to convince others to sway group opinion. Since globalism has done so much good I promote it. Obviously it isn't a scam.
What do >I< mean? What do You mean?: "No it doesn't really matter." I'm still not sure what you mean by globalism, but what do you mean that it has done so much good?
My opinion matters to me, but my opinion is not the average opinion of the group. I see Merritt in my opinion, and so try to sway the group opinion with my own, as others do.
So... your opinion matters to you, but when push comes to shove, if people en masse don't agree with you, you're out of luck, and you'll try and convince people in the meantime?
Nah, I like to believe that conflict is healthy. Sure it doesn't seem like it at the time. But the alternative is already clear: we folded to UASF in order to keep the peace.