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replied 2318d
year to acquire hashrate and it's clear that they are going to finally have their hashrate attack on BCH disguised as "we don't agree with the changes".This is very clear from the fact
replied 2318d
that nChain was okay with the roadmap. They could have chosen anything to disagree with, it does not matter. They are trying to fool us in to believing that they care about the
replied 2318d
success of BCH. They have bamboozled you, Roger. Buy investing in a lot of project you have started to believe that they actually care about BCH.What's a couple hundred million dollars
replied 2318d
to the big banks to render a very serious threat to their power inert? ... You might not see it this way, but I am positive that in a couple of weeks you are going to know. nChain is
replied 2318d
just another blockstream but this time more dangerous than ever because they have hashrate. And they are going to use it to the full extent to try to either control BCH or try to stop
En Fri Mand
replied 2318d
Indeed. I see the same patterns with nChain as with Blockstream:
- Cult
- Trolling
- Censorship and not wanting open discussion
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2318d
Anyone can see that the anti-CSW ppl are just as much or more of a cult. I've seen numerous anti CSW posts on r/btc with hundreds of up-votes. I've never seen that for a pro CSW post.
replied 2317d
CSW is such an asshole I don’t think there is something malicious with anti-csw upvotes. Community rejects him, that’s it.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2317d
I'd agree with you if I hadn't seen it before. The anti-CSW posts are creepily similar and use all the same words(technobable, bamboozled, etc.). It's either a cult or it's astroturf.
replied 2317d
A lot of reasonable criticism towards csw.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2317d
No one is above criticism but I see constant accusations of nChain being "the new Bitmain" and claims "he's attempting a hostile takeover(with mining power *head desk*)"and such crap.
replied 2317d
Do you not see how utterly deceptive and morally corrupt csw has to be to pretend that he "is Satoshi"? THAT verifiable fact right there tells me everything I need to know. Beware...
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2317d
Wow, never heard that one before. You're right! Technobabble man bad!
replied 2317d
Don't you see, CSW can act as anything, even as a paedophile and the community can hate him for all they care. It doesn't matter. Hash speaks and will win.
replied 2318d
Glad other people are seeing this too. A lot of censorship and walled garden mentality going on lately. This Nov 15 is going to be an epic fight. Can't wait to see the results.
En Fri Mand
replied 2317d
me neither. personally I don't care which one wins. I follow the majority. We have on-chain capacity. That's what matters for me.
replied 2316d
Jihan is a major investor in Blockstream.
You have it backwards.
En Fri Mand
replied 2316d
Seriously? Source?
replied 2317d
ABC too have cult and trolls.
En Fri Mand
replied 2315d
hm. haven't that as much. a little i would say but imo the sv camp seems more cultic.
En Fri Mand
replied 2315d
* haven't seen that as much
replied 2318d
it from operating. If they get control over it they will render it inert. If they cant get control over it they will try to cause as much chaos and disruption of service.Mark my words"
replied 2317d
How is Roger bamboozled? Isn't he in the ABC camp as is?