He is the only one because you also have to validate the block before sending it. This is where the real scaling issue is. Moores law is dead and we need multi threading to compensate
we are on different pages.
Moore'sLaw still has a while to go before dying. I haven't heard any developers/companies publishing statistics for bitcoin's growth. Please, provide links.
Even if i don't fully agree with it, ABC has a long term roadmap, with each problem a proposed solution. Craig is not the only one to talk about it (and modem that dl 32MB blocks lmao)
CPU clock speed is stagnating and clients are still single threaded. Not saying it's top priority. Block size was never a problem, it is how you deal with them that limits Bitcoin.
he has a point. as the test showed, the issue is not blocksize per se, it's overall scaling. which involves paralellizing the software (irrespective of moore).