There will be no BCH with SV. I believe his intent is to destroy BCH entirely. His SV client and manufactured dissent is just a cover story for a 51% attack on BCH.
Dangerous to your coin. Since these new opcodes directly enable oracles, the coin is vulnerable to regulatory attacks. The value of coins is then at stake.
It is very different. If you send coins to a regulated (read junk) exchange, you may get junk (read regulated) coins back. OP_CHECKDATASIGVERIFY Et al. enables unregulated exchanges.
Here you go. I prefer worldwide expansion to constant fights with regulators. Also it brings back the stigma that bitcoin is for illegal activities. This lowers the price. No thanks.
It's a magic circle, the BTC is the most valuable because it has the most hashpower because it's the most valuable, which gives it value - at least in the current market.