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replied 2142d
... being played out. If Maduro remains in control of the military an ultimatum will be made to relinquish power on a certain date and if that date passes strikes will begin on...
replied 2142d
... on leadership infrastructure while spamming over every known frequency a message to the military to leave control of the regime and join the people against it. After 3 to 5 days...
replied 2142d
... the Venezuelan military still become targeted. He will go on the run provided he is not hit in the initial days of surgical strikes on leadership via navy tlams and to relinquish..
replied 2142d
... ower on a certain date and if that date passes strikes will begin on leadership infrastructure while spamming over every known frequency a message to the military to leave...
replied 2142d
... leave control of the regime and join the people against it. After 3 to 5 days the Venezuelan military still become targeted. He will go on the run provided he is not hit in the...
replied 2142d
... initial days of surgical strikes on leadership via navy tlams and airforce low rcs aircraft. Control of Colombian border crossing into and out of Venezuela will be facilitated...
replied 2142d
... by Columbia's discretion allowing the flow of food aid weapons and personal into and out of the country. This is completely dependent on the will of the Venezuelan people to...
replied 2142d
... take up arms that will be provided along with training via rangers and spooks against their current dictator. This is going to happen one way or another. Russia will provide...
replied 2142d
plain cloths boots on the ground as advisor trainers and various weapon systems but no direct military intervention will take place. They will however bitch alot. Russia wants us...
replied 2142d
... tied up in as many wars as possible and so does China. Just look at any map of US military bases around the globe and you will start to understand why this is in their best...
replied 2142d
... interest as sustaining them indefinitely is seen as fiscally impossible.