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replied 2357d
wiki: It is dangerous to attempt to differentiate the two using sensory techniques (i.e. taste) but reagent testing can easily differentiate ergolines from 25I-NBOMe via colour change
replied 2351d
it is dangerous to spread misleading information in snippets, this snippet talks about differentiating the types of NBOME that exist. It is not talking about differentiating to LSD.
replied 2351d
replied 2351d
"25I-NBOMe blotters are sometimes misrepresented as, or mistaken for LSD blotters.[16] It is dangerous to attempt to differentiate the two using sensory techniques (i.e. taste) . . . "
replied 2348d
Thank you, wikilpedia is fake from bottom to top. Highly manipulative information. There is a documentary about "dark side of wikipedia"
replied 2348d
I painstakingly uploaded documents to correct CSW's wikipedia page... took +/-1hr20 minutes.
pressed save, wikipedia policeperson wiped EVERYTHING.
Now I question their content.
replied 2347d
The BCH blockchain is the new wiki, in future people will look to it for historic record. We need to start publishing & questioning facts on the blockchain. If it is written it is so.
replied 2347d
I wholeheartedly agree
replied 2347d
what draws me to immutable historical records is the thought that social contracts can be created.
And I realise the process will be very, very messy.
replied 2347d
Wikipedia isn't a real encyclopedia, it's more like an enhanced Tweeter.
replied 2348d
All the information i have about the holy substances is from my own experience, i do not trust any information at all. I always test the truth by myself or talk to a shaman.