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Being grateful even to Craig is a very advanced spiritual exercise.

But it is possible: Let's imagine for a moment everyone here would have gotten fabulously rich because of BSV.

First of all, being rich makes people gay. It's like cutting off your balls. Rich people are usually weak cowards.

Secondly, most of us are way too dumb to stay rich for long. Similar to lottery winners, we would have spent it all on whores and blow and then returned to being poor but with the unbearable memory of how it was to be rich.

And the rest of us, let's face it, would have lost it all to female predators and divorce-rape, given the hilarious simpery displayed on Twetch for years.

Therefore, sincerely, thank you, Craig, for turning uncrippled Bitcoin into an absolute clown show.

And before anyone tells me that while he may have turned it into a clown show, he invented it, first of all, let me say this: if Craig is indeed Satoshi, we are looking at a Dr. Satoshi and Mr. ...