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replied 2414d
Put simply flying cars are horrible. Dangerous projectiles piloted by idiots or untrusted AI guzzling fuel and/or electricity and an absolute FAA nightmare.
replied 2414d
Innovative thinking truly is dead. We are in a dark age.
replied 2414d
We're definitely in a dark age, or about to enter one. Don't agree that innovative thinking is dead though.
replied 2414d
You think drunk drivers are bad? Wait till you get drunk flyers hitting your house at 200+ mph and wiping out the extended family.
replied 2414d
No worries Uber will get right on that 🤔
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2414d
Could probably program them to pop onto "rails". Will never happen until we got a real robust power source. I think bitcoin miners might punt on cold fusion, that'll shake things up.