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2294d · Memo App
Rich media embeds (like YouTube) are coming, just a little more complicated than expected but it is being worked on. When it was crashing when you posted was that in a topic or a memo?
replied 2294d
A memo. So far it's never crashed when posting to a topic. No pass required.
replied 2294d
This isn't a reply to this, but it'll be out of order visually.
I'm writing this from the fb app via a memo link so I can copy+paste websites.
replied 2294d
I see. The order of memo on the app right now is due to how the site orders it. I do plan to give you the option to sort by time and hopefully tip amount
replied 2294d
Well, the firefox app doesn't log me out, and memo seems to work just fine. I still prefer the app though lol, but having options works too :)
replied 2294d
Yeah I'll be adding the option to save your password once I figure out the safest way to do it. The web browsers use cookies, I do too but they seem to get destroyed faster on my app.
replied 2294d
Which is why you need to sign in or enter your sometimes quite a bit. I know it's annoying but try using something like LastPass or KeePass to make it easier.
replied 2294d
replied 2294d
replied 2294d
Also just FYI, your password is still required for topics, it's just that a webpage is open in the background of the topic activity so if you're already logged in it sends faster.