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This week's Bitcoin Cash news update is out!
replied 2216d
what do u think of 200 char OP RETURN limit on BCH? BSV 65,000 limit. BSV block max 103 MB mined. Wu bankrupt. Do u concede u made mistake supporting Amaury instead of Satoshi Vision?
replied 2216d
Fools never admit their mistake, they are too proud to admit they were wrong. Only wise and smart people admit when they were wrong.
replied 2216d
Because bigger is always better, amirite, my mentally challenged friend?
replied 2216d
And funny how you like to call me maternally challenged yet you are the dumb fuck that went AGAINST Bitcoin system when you sided with hijacked BCH... you dumb... ignorant fuck.
replied 2216d
Your world is up side down, lil commie.
replied 2216d
eat shit fuckhead
replied 2216d
I won't, lil commie.
replied 2216d
you already have, you stupid twat
replied 2216d
FYI: You are asking a fake Roger profile
replied 2223d
Akane is a force of nature! Always fun chatting to her about Bitcoin adoption and meetups.
replied 2216d
Roger is a traitor... Bitcoin supporter my ass... and same goes for every other fucker that sided with ABC crooks.. you dumb fucks.
replied 2223d
You are not the real Roger Ver right?
replied 2223d
Roger previously verified that this is his account: