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Paper - #850

MiTM Resistant #42 Exchange
replied 2364d
I went against the grain for you. I took the heat. I supported you through the thickest tides of abuse and dissent and you just shit all over me. That hurts. Good luck with that.
replied 2352d
Did I ask you to?

I seek to have BCH as global money, I do not ask for support for me. I want people to do what is in their rational long term interests

That is it.
replied 2352d
Wait, is this the actual Craig Wright?
replied 2351d
replied 2352d
It sounds like Craig Wright.
replied 2352d
Sir, when are you going to move coins out of the wormhole burn address? You are a month past your deadline
replied 2351d
You did not read the blog.

I explained this many times - it is Jihan who controls the keys.
replied 2351d
Have you read this? There doesn’t seem to be any fuckery
replied 2350d
I tried to verify. Actually there is a lot of addresses which could be used. The first one is qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqr5w5w5x8rwhc with the payload 0x7475. This is strange.
replied 2350d
I followed their process: start "with the 160-bit all-zero hash value" and loop "upward with step-size 1 until an address ended with substring 'whc'".
replied 2350d
Ruh roh. They refer to this github page, is that what you used?
replied 2349d
I just looked at it, I used a python script of my own. Even if I search for "[0-9]8whc" (which is described in their code), the first address I get is not the right one.
replied 404d
I Guess this is a bit like talking to God or Elon Musk.....
replied 2350d
What are doing on memo? You cannot block people here. 137 zeros in binary representation is enough i think.
replied 2352d
If you would really seek to have #BCH as global money for everyone, why are you not donating to #TRBC which is getting it done? I think you just want to promote your own business plan.
replied 2351d
As Bitcoin is NOT socialist - it is about competition.
replied 2329d
It is also about freedom and liberty.
replied 2330d
If #bitcoin is not a social project how are you going to use YOUR coins if YOU keep them for YOURSELF? Gonna play monopoly with yourself?
replied 2330d
Craig is your typical Capitalist prick, doesn't care or know anything about Socialism or the fact that we are Social beings.
replied 2329d
Socialism is not about social beings, trust me, been there. It is about unfair distribution, backed up by oppression, leading to stagnation. Social beings are about caring and sharing.
replied 2329d
Yes "caring and sharing" is what its about, Capitalist doesn't care nor does he share the wealth with those who help produce it (the workers). Why capitalists get rich & workers don't.
replied 2327d
Socialism attracts, makes and takes care of it's slaves. Free people that can decide for their own, will fight for their riches being workers or capitalists or whatever they want.
replied 2327d
Then you don't know what Socialism is. Maybe you should watch this.
People use labels to mark things (and people) that don't fit that label.
replied 2324d
I'm from EU. Contemporary socialists here are people, striving for power, which is money, covering behind developing social security, which doesn't work, just to replace capitalists.
replied 2329d
Socialism is about health of society. Wealth is distributed unfairly in Capitalism, Socialism is needed as counter force to Capitalism to keep things balanced, sustainable.
replied 2227d
replied 2336d
Not a competition.
Consensus mechanism.

Competition is only in tech and HP.
Everything else, miners are allies.

Allies must talk and respect each other.
Diplomacy and voting with HP.
replied 404d
Hey Elon Rocket up yer Moon !!!!
replied 1464d
Help. I'm desperate.

I lost my job and will lose my house if I don't pay the bank. They are suing me. I'm from Ecuador, South America, our country is on a crisis without precedent in our entire history.

I need 1-2 BTC or the equivalent to US$ 65000 dollars, to get rid of my debts. If there is an excedent I will donate to someone else.

My address is bc1qt0u7jc8sugtv468l74m7fll9mw9025ar8tud84

Thanks in advance.
replied 2351d
I think #bitcoin is about artificial intelligence & the better you feed the AI the better are the results. Feed it with loose coupling instead of strong inheritance. #decentralized
replied 2352d
I wouldn't donate one penny to you because you would use it to promote dash. That's obvious.
replied 2352d
People are dying. We need sound global money.
replied 2364d
dude, chill out & stop being dramatic
replied 2364d
I have been one of your strongest supporters on twitter (@excalibur0922) reddit, and today you blocked me because I disagree with you about IP rights.
Lil Windex
replied 2364d
what a bumbaclart !
replied 2372d