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replied 2455d
And they subsequently perform >51% of the company's needs.
replied 2455d
Thats so misguided & completely wrong. Just owning something does not fullfil any needs of business. Owning does no produce anything, workers do everything with their work.
replied 2455d
Are you a business owner?
replied 2455d
This is obvious yet so many of you just ignore it. Money alone does nothing. Money is just UNIT of trade/wealth. To produce something you need WORKERS. This is reality.
replied 2455d
Do I have to be? I know logic. Logic says owning something is NOT WORK & PRODUCES NOTHING. If you want to say they provide jobs, then WHY DO THEY SACK PEOPLE WHEN THEY DON'T NEED THEM?
replied 2455d
I don't even need to tell you the consequences of a company who has provided a bad service. Even just a one-off mistake or a simple overlook in protocol. Its a butterfly effect.
replied 2455d
They're the people who confront angry customers when YOU workers make a mistake or a fuck up. You often don't bear the brunt of the consequences and only get a yelling by your manager.
replied 2455d
Also just because someone yells at you sometimes, does not mean you should be getting overly rewarded from other people's work, you think workers don't get yelled at? So no, not at all
replied 2455d
Lot of companies have spokes people, people doing this exact thing, large businesses have CEO do this if its big fuck up but not the owner, so no, you are not correct at all.
replied 2455d
Ok, tell your CEO the next time an angry customer makes a complaint, you will handle it.
replied 2455d
That's not my job, its CEO job. Is that worth him getting 1000x higher wage? Come on, you're brainwashed. Capitalists are NOT helping workers, workers are helping the capitalist.
replied 2455d
I don't know about you, but business owners are busy trying to give you work so that you CAN work and earn a wage. They go out to meetings with clients and promote the company.
replied 2455d
The truth is, this type of work you say businesses owners do, is NOWHERE NEAR, NOT EVEN CLOSE WORTH THE AMOUNTS OF WEALTH THEY ACCUMULATE FROM WORK OF OTHERS.
replied 2455d
Strawman after strawman.
replied 2455d
What? Look around you... how much money these fucks have? WHAT KIND OF WORK DO THEY DO? Get fucked. You are clueless & brainwashed, maybe you are one of them? That would explain...
replied 2455d
They are not busy "giving me work", they only look for workers when THEY NEED SOMEONE TO MAKE THEM MONEY, which is proven with times when they sack people when the're no longer needed.
replied 2455d
[citation needed]
replied 2455d
You MUST show that you're worth more than what the business owner is paying you to be even CONSIDERED to get preferential treatment over other employees.
replied 2455d
Saying that you're entitled for a higher salary just because you exist is selfish and immoral. You will be paid for the work or service that you provide.
replied 2455d
Give the business owner a reason as to why they should pay you with a higher salary as opposed to another colleague of yours. Why should they pick you vs. them?
replied 2455d
Employees in companies get sacked for a variety of reasons. If you're not providing enough value to your work, you'll be sacked. Simple as that.
replied 2455d
Of course you do have to be a business owner to understand what you're talking about. Do people bust into the room in hospitals claiming that they're doctors because "I know logic?"
replied 2455d
No business owner thinks like him. Will never work. The thinks like a politician pandering to get votes.
replied 2455d
You are really no different to how BTC people "think", they have exact same flaws because they have flawed logic same as you.
replied 2455d
You are so stuck up with that capitalist propaganda of capitalism being free markets and capitalists helping people by providing jobs, you can't see most logical and obvious facts.
replied 2455d
You people are so brainwashed. No winder America is such shit. Do I need to be a murderer to know what he's doing? Do I need to be thief to know what thief does? Your logic sucks.
replied 2455d
Are you on welfare or government grants?
replied 2454d
No I'm not. What difference to logic would it make if I was?