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replied 2269d
I feel like a conspiracy nutter but it seems like the whole CSW thing was a plant all along as a mouthpiece and a distration, and nChain is just another front
replied 2269d
CSW has too much passion for a tool. What's more interesting is his human foibles. They are consistent with big picture intellect unconcerned with details but acutely aware of nuance.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2269d
Yes a front for creating a money for the world!

replied 2269d
What? Your chain split. Begone shill! Begone!
replied 2269d
for assholes like Barry Silbert to strike at us from afar.

No matter, I can't wait to see what money wasting attack these worthless freaks come up with next."
replied 2269d
Looks like BSV is used in r/Bitcoin to justify to BTCers the anti big block narrative: