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replied 2281d
Mercenary hash is dropping steadily to 39%. BTC miners going back to their chain as BTC starves for hash. What will ABC do when BTC miners abandon completely? Not healthy.
replied 2281d
No wonder why BCH hashrate is dropping: and BitMEX'es calculations state clear that both attack and defense are costing each side money. I expect new swings
replied 2281d
That’s a cool site. Thank you!
replied 2281d
ABCs hashpower has reached all time low. I’d be terrified if I were in ABC. Are you going to trust miners that have only been on network for 7 days? Not me. ‬
replied 2281d
Miners on BCH now are pretty much the same as miners of last year's August. Hashrate between Bitcoin chains will continue to swing to match profitability
replied 2280d
It’s not swinging based in profits which is the point. Value is solely based on what the miners invested their PERSONAL investment stake in.
replied 2280d
Disagree. Value is subjective and price discovery is the most important business among all. Many investments don't fit market's demands and companies go bankrupt
replied 2281d
And don't be afraid to use the real term BCH. It's BCH not ABC.
replied 2281d
Spoken like a true middleman.
replied 2281d
Spoken like FACT
replied 2281d
Like, but not quite.
replied 2281d
No it's fact. Every major exchange and coinbase give ABC the name BCH. If you need some crying towels I can buy some for you with some BCH
replied 2281d
Your money changers won't save you. They will scramble to accept SV when ABC is destroyed.
replied 2281d
Blah blah blah. You are like a trump supporter. Just totally deny the facts. But if it makes you feel better.
replied 2281d
Knowing that the real honey badger is back for a fight to the death makes me feel pretty good, actually.
replied 2281d
This isn't a fight to the death. They aren't that stupid. That's just the threat they put out to make them sound like they have a big dick.
replied 2281d
Or maybe that's why you are here.
replied 2281d
Nope. I am here to battle the fud. Such as like morons calling BCH-> ABC
replied 2281d
Actually SV>ABC, but thanks for trying.
replied 2281d
BCH 250. SV 40 Thanks for trying.
replied 2281d
Pretend money you can't spend anyway. 0.0 tx/s
replied 2281d
Again you ignore the facts. If it makes you feel better.
replied 2281d
See BCH hash power just shot up past SV. That was even sooner than I thought.
replied 2281d
It means nothing. Just a few days ago SV was at their all time low. It will go back the other way soon.
replied 2281d
Ur assuming BTC hash has lasting interest in ABC. Remember, that hash has only been on ABC for 1 wk. Each wk of fight, BTC drops 1k. They likely hold BTC so they see their $$$ tank.
replied 2281d
If you were read the article I posted, they were decreasing their position in BTC. Their interest is in BCH, not BTC.
replied 2281d
Im well aware of those stats. But you dont know what haipo and jiang have because they have no reason to publicly state. And Jiangs hashpower is the one leaving the fight first
replied 2281d
SV pool has dropped as well. So what's your point? Coingeek is the only thing holding SV up. And at 60% his loses have to be killer.
replied 2281d
I'm on SVpool and added more antminers this week. People keep forgetting that its more than CSW and Calvin. You only have losses when you realize them. Hence why I HOARD and sell later
replied 2281d
I didn't know someone jacked all the money out of my wallet. But it wasn't a loss until I realized it happened. LMAO.
replied 2281d
You only have losses when you realize them? LMAO.
replied 2281d
“Realize” means make the trade to exchange for fiat. You’re funny. It’s good your trying to understand
replied 2281d
Nice try covering up the loss. That's what they always say.
replied 2281d
Bro, it’s an investing vocabulary term.
replied 2281d
replied 2281d
It won't be long before Bitmain goes back to mining BTC. A leopard doesn't change it's stripes.
replied 2281d
replied 2281d
Yeah right. They own a hell of a lot more BCH than BTC. They aren't just going to let that go to the toilet to mine BTC.
replied 2281d
They own an equal amount on both chains. They have nothing to gain by supporting ABC and everything to lose.
replied 2281d
They have everything to gain by supporting BCH. Bitmain's interest is in BCH, not BTC
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2281d
"Criminal and SEC investigations are under way in the US based on docs leaked to us. Kraken named also."
Doesn't look good for you guys.
replied 2281d
Yeah I was bitching on @KrakenSupport 3 days before all this. It was obvious they had an agenda. It was also obvious they were doing stupid and irresponsible things. @_opreturn