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replied 2343d
First you must have not looked at the Tax Bill that he signed. It certainly doesn't favor crypto. And watch the Tariff retaliation crush American jobs. Already happening. Impeachment.
replied 2343d
Overall, time is the biggest teacher (At least he's a mountain mover - compared to others before him). Lets see how he favours in 2 years from now.
replied 2343d
He has the lowest approval rate in U.S History. No President has ever won Re-election without having at least 48% approval rate in the Gallup poll. He is at 41%. Good luck on that.
replied 2342d
lol, those the same polls that had hillary at a 80% chance of winning? 🤣
replied 2341d
So you are in the minority Jerk off. Waaaaaaaaaaaa
replied 2341d
>still believing polls you know are wrong. brainlet detected!
replied 2341d
Words right out of Trumps retarded supporters playbook. "Fake News" "Alternative Facts" only believe the Cheetoh in Chief. Your Dick is soiled with Trumps shit.
replied 2341d
replied 2341d
Keep in mind the polls were right. Hillary had the popular vote by over 3 million votes. Pretty hard for a poll to determine how the electoral votes will go.
replied 2341d
>pollsters are so smart I trust them. so should you >they don’t know how the electoral college works. sound logic. are you even trying?
replied 2343d
True,but sometimes the people that do good are the least popular in society. (I'm not saying everything he does is good - far from it). Besides polls lie; often to catch opposition out