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replied 2392d
No I'm not joking. Stop pretending we have observations of a fully complex set of new DNA coding from scratch. There is not a single one.
replied 2392d
What are you saying there is not an example of? We have observed how mutations to genes in DNA happen. What we have not observed is the natural formation of DNA (or origins of life).
replied 2392d
And none of them are responsible of whole new set of codes. Only tweaking or merging existent code or the removal of.
replied 2392d
We have created entirely new DNA from scratch ourselves. That is beside the point though. Evolution would be disprove if DNA could just create whole new complex chains in one go.
replied 2392d
If evolution would be a slow process we should witness as of RIGHT NOW mid-organs with no functions. There is not a single instance in the whole world showing that.
replied 2391d
Like your appendix? Vestigial organs they are called. Look them up.
replied 2391d
"Normally, the appendix sits in the lower right abdomen. The function of the appendix is unknown." It doesn't mean it has none because you're too much of an idiot to figure out.
replied 2390d
It is a vestigial organ. Even the routing of the bloody vessel around the thyroid is left over from fish ancestors.
replied 2390d
lmao you have quite a lot of imagination I must admit.
replied 2390d
I just listen to people who are experts in the field. Your questions on the issue remind of something Mr. Garston said. "There are no stupid questions. Only stupid people."
replied 2390d
"Experts" sitll have different opinions on that matter. What you actually do is listening to "expert" who confrims your bias.
replied 2390d
Experts have difference of opinion on stuff they are trying to figure out. They do not have a difference of opinion on older well known issues.
replied 2390d
Science is about questioning everything you think your know. If you don't, you don't do science.
replied 2390d
I understand science. You are oversimolifying things. I do questions the issues. That is why I know climate change is real. I spent a long time thinking it wasn't.
replied 2390d
#1 Everything changes #2 Climate may be warming now
But then food for thought. Is it really good or bad that the Earth is warming up.
We've been conditioned: Climate change=bad
replied 2390d
The issue is the rate of change. We have seen times the climate changed this quickly before. Every time it happened we call a mass extinction event. Yes it is bad.
replied 2390d
It may be bad for the extinct, but it may be good for the new species.
For me, I like it a bit hotter, thank you.

Plus, did you know that the Earth has never been as green before?
replied 2389d
Earth was much greener during the time of dinosaurs. And the atmosphere was also approx 3X more richer in CO2. Coincidence? I think not.
replied 2389d
And yes, you may be right(any link?) My data goes only about a million-10 million years back. Dinosaurs got extinct earlier than that.
replied 2389d
Exactly, because trees feed on CO2.
replied 2389d
Climate change is most probably real. The cause is highly debatable.
replied 2389d
The cause is the burning of fossil fuels. We can tell that the added CO2 in the atmosphere has lower C14. Because it is millions of years old and already all decayed to C12.
replied 2389d
Explain why most astronomers are actually saying it"s because of the sun being in a super phase? Why nobody let them talk in the news?
replied 2389d
That is actually denier propaganda. Astronomers actually debunked that it isn't caused by solar cycles since those cycles do not at all correlate to the changes in the climate.
replied 2389d
Typo of course. The solar cycles do not correlate to climate change at all. Looking at solar cycles disproves that they can be a cause.
replied 2390d
I think I lost track of who was the climate change denier and who was the evolution denier.
replied 2389d
"Proofs" shouldn't raise more questions than answers.
replied 2389d
They don't. Your just not the only person I have been discussing denier propaganda with.
replied 2389d
Being whatever NOT denier is being science denier. Science is about questioning all the time.When I look at the "proofs" of climate change and evolution I find them rather unconvincing
replied 2389d
Probably because you have not looked at all the info, or understand the science on the subject enough to evaluate the data. Science leads to the conclusion that both are true.
replied 2389d
Conclusions about scientific fields that goes beyond the scale of human beings can never lead to conclusion with a high degree of certainty.
replied 2389d
What makes you think these simple things are beyond humans? They are not even leading edge fields.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2390d
replied 2390d
Yes he is.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2390d
If you think one of the top chemists in the world is stupid but can't counter a single one of his claims, I'd say YOU're the one who's dogmatically religious and anti-science.
replied 2390d
If he thinks evolution didn't happen then he is just being an old fool. Religion can cloud the mind. Even scientists are not immune to cognitive dissonance sometimes.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2390d
That's not what he's arguing. He's saying that the first cell spontaneously creating itself is a miracle beyond any described in the Bible. You're the one with cognitive dissonance.
replied 2390d
Ah, he is arguing against a strawman then. That isn't the theory on how it happened. First came RNA, them DNA. Protein structures and then cell walls came later.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2389d
What you're describing is a creation myth. I don't believe you watched that video, and I don't believe you ever will because you're afraid of anything that threatens your religion.
replied 2389d
I scanned though it. Read what was on his screen a few times. It doesn't matter what he thinks anyway. It matters what all the findings and scientists think. Not one guy.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2389d
Lol it doesn't matter which came first! You have to freaking make it in the first place, and then have it not deteriorate until the proverbial monkeys can type shakespeare.
replied 2389d
It is actually a lot more likely than he understands. The basic building blocks of life self assemble all the time. Even on comets.
replied 2391d
The tail bone in humans. Touch your ass at the base of the spine for proof we had tails once.