This is the absolute crux of what I'm getting at here. Ancaps project their morality onto the world as much as Marxists. What if the Holy Market selects for slavery, rape and murder?
Exactly. I think you do have more freedom if a sovereign nation legislates and enforces(via individual self-defence rights and small local police forces) the non aggression principle.
This is why I love the show Stranger Things - it's the story of a local cop trying to protect his community(his loved ones) from feds who violate the NAP against sovereign citizens.
I am saying that the market currently does select for these things, but not via the buyer, and not at the point of sale: there're aren't many things more opaque than a supply chain.
Right! What is the *reason* the market currently selects for these things? You have to qualify the statement "freedom begets freedom" for ancap to work. I don't think it's true.