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2451d · Guess the movie
lol *idea, permanent typos
replied 2451d
I'm sure someone's thought of this, but a "wiki" edit feature where you could edit your comment for clarity, typos, yet anyone could look at the version chain would be great.
replied 2451d
hmm yeah, haven't heard this suggestion before. would be great🧐
replied 2451d
Feels like RBF but different and perhaps useful idea
replied 2451d
think the difference is its just the option of how it is displayed. IIRC the first RBF transaction isnt recorded to the blockchain, here typo & edit are on the blockchain.
replied 2451d
your memo account (or other service) could choose to display edits or originals only
replied 2450d
Yeah, I think an "edit" op would link to the post it mods, like reply does. The UI could show last ver by default but with icon & nav arrows that let you page through the edit chain.
replied 2450d
Furthermore, you *could* have edits use a diff more cmpct fmt. Basically just apply edits to previous content. Like insert this string at this pos, etc. Might allow longer posts too.
replied 2450d
This is sort of like a "stream" protocol. Akin to UNIX terminal ESC codes. Could clear screen, move cursor, etc. Could be compact way of chaining content *besides* edit capability.