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replied 2394d
Look, there is a project called Matter ( that has this main objective, to use op_return space to send pictures, books and long text like blogs. It is in alpha.
replied 2369d
Tip is for your work on txblaster2. Thank you!
replied 2394d
Looks pretty good. Can't all the post chunks be in the same tx though? Why create multiple txs when you can just create multiple OP_RETURN outputs? It's more efficient.
replied 2394d
You can only have 1 OP_RETURN output per transaction.
replied 2394d
Thanks TIL. Is there a reason why?
replied 2393d
I think to limit the amount of data per transaction, otherwise the 80 byte limit wouldn't mean much if you could have multiple.
replied 2393d
Having a limit at all seems counterintuitive, now that projects are finding ways around it (inefficiently). I think BCH could enable multiple OP_RETURN outputs without a hard fork.