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2143d · memo
Post about why ANCESTOR_LIMIT and DESCENDANT_LIMIT should be removed from ABC/BU -
replied 2143d
This is how is materially contributing to progress of bitcoin blockchain. I remember these rejected txs were due to high memo activity.
replied 2143d
That chain is local to each user of memo, so it can happen to you only if you do more than 25 actions before a next block is minted, and you have only one UTXO at your address.
replied 2142d
Considering the time to next block could be an hour or more sometimes, many of us can do 25 posts
replied 2142d
You have 162 UTXO at your address. You can start 162 chains
replied 2142d
also, I'm not arguing that this limit should be kept, I just tried to explain what the limit means for each user.
replied 2142d
Yes,, sure, was intending to support your point about the limits.
replied 2142d
MEMO has mentioned earlier that it is possible to circumvent the limit but that currently it would be an ugly solution.
replied 2142d
By splitting the UTXOs, so that each user have several confirmed coins at the address. Or by warning the user "You are doing it too much. Slow down a bit' ;)
replied 2142d
I can see how splitting the coin could be confusing for internet historians in the future.
replied 2143d
Well written. The reasoning for why limits were imposed in the first place by the core is clear. Intent was to cripple bitcoin. Are there security issues when limits are removed?
replied 2143d
No security issues that I'm aware of. One comment mentioned it may have been added to protect against theorized flood type attacks between miners.