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replied 2063d
If CSW wants the entire world to adopt Bitcoin, understanding and hoping that it destroys anonymity in his words "all its forms" it's pretty cut and dry.
replied 2063d
Ok. I think he may be able to do the former, but he can not do the latter.
replied 2063d
Can he do it? I don't know. But i do know that he *wants* to do it. He said it himself.
replied 2063d
Yes he wants to destroy anonymity because he believes it is a source of evil.
replied 2063d
And he's partially right. It is, in the hands of the few. Particularly when the few can deprive the many of their own anonymity.
replied 2063d
I think he also believes that anyone who would gain full anonymity would become evil.
For a good reason. Think about it.
replied 2063d
Full anonymity does not, and will not ever exist. Full stop
PaidSockPuppet (bsv)
replied 2063d
So what are you worried about to begin with???