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​​What is the difference between Identical Twins and Fraternal Twins?

Identical twins, also known as monozygotic twins, are formed when a single fertilized egg splits in two and develops into two separate embryos. Since they come from the same egg, they share the same DNA and genetic material, which is why they often look very similar or identical. This rare phenomenon occurs in about 3 in every 1,000 births.

Fraternal twins, on the other hand, are formed when two separate eggs are fertilized by two different sperm. They have different DNA and genetic material, just like regular siblings, and may look similar or dissimilar. Fraternal twins are more common than identical twins, occurring in about 6 in every 1,000 births.

The key difference between identical and fraternal twins lies in their origin and genetic makeup. Identical twins are formed from a single egg and share the same DNA, while fraternal twins are formed from two separate eggs and have different DNA. This differ...