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I can hear your frustration & disappointment on so many levels. We hear and see this a lot especially when you toss in Self-sufficiency or prepardness into it. We also hear many talk about what they can't do instead of focusing on what they CAN do.
We have just over 5 acres. When we were looking into moving, we researched non zoned communities. They still have some very basic "rules" but aren't up your butt like a regular township might be and no where near what an HOA is. We do have country neighbors, (they live further apart)
Our goal is to work hard every day to do more for our self. We grown about 50% of the food for our animals. I'm hoping to up that game this year. We grow tons of garden veggies, fruits, mushrooms and herbs, plus all the eggs and meat from the birds & we have the pigs. I don't have space for hay, grains or beef but I have a neighbor down the road that practice organic methods that has all the stuff I don't, she doesn'...