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replied 2375d
It's almost 10am here. I basically pulled an all-nighter, but unfortunately I don't drink coffee :/ Memo team is just me right now. The community helps though :)
replied 2375d
My coding sucks but if I can help in another way let me know, Memo is awesome and we all love it here.
replied 2374d
Got the coffee on?
Ready for an influx?
replied 2374d
More txns coming?
replied 2374d
Stay anonymous and stay safe. Remember Aaron Swartz.
replied 2374d
He was a genius but too naive to stay in the U.S. and getting into politics. Stay out of their game do not force anything on anyone and you are fine. Being famous actually protects.
Eric Reid
replied 2375d
Thanks for all your hard work!! I certainly appreciate it all.
replied 2375d
Glad you're liking memo, thanks for the tips :)
replied 2375d
wow cool thx for your efforts . I also don't drink coffe btw ;)
replied 2375d
Thank you for developing You're doing Lord's work, probably!
replied 2375d
did you know that 'memo' is short for 'guillermo', which is 'william' in spanish?. IOW 'memo' is like 'bill'.
replied 2375d
Is it now?
replied 2375d
memo is M O N E Y