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1268d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
#hmwyda wishlist - update:

Hello, after 32 days, Its my update of the last list:

Our life is oppressed by a group of idiot leaders. They not only don't lead us to progress, but also force us to get out of touch with the world. The economy is in recession. We look forward to being liberated and liberated!!!

1: 台灣長榮航空,因為他們的機師防疫不規範,因為打了兩針防疫疫苗,就跑到國外值機,導致感染以及一個小孩乃至小孩所在學校全校都處於高風險當中,設計幾千人甚至全台灣,他們的行為太鬆散也太無責任心,讓人很氣憤。 6%
1: Taiwan EVA Air, because their pilots are not standardized in epidemic prevention, and because they have received two injections of anti-epidemic vaccines, they rushed to check-in abroad, resulting in infection and a child or even the entire school where the child is at high risk. The design is several thousand. People and even the whole of Taiwan, their behavior is too loose and too irresponsible, which makes people very angry.

2: 南投檢疫所,在運送隔離人群到檢疫所途中,隔離人群15:30被接到車上,17.30才開車走,面對有人想上廁所的情況居然給人發尿不濕,且汽車上沒有任何私密空間可以換尿不濕,這已經不是人權的問題了,而是根本沒有人道,多人的完全不尊重。 3%
2: Nantou Quarantine Station. On the way to transport the quarantined people to the quarantine station, the quarantined people were picked up in the car at 15:30 and drove away at 17.30. When someone wanted to go to the toilet, they got diapers and got in the car. There is no private space to change diapers. This is no longer a human rights issue. It is simply inhumane and disrespectful to many people.

3: 台灣疫苗預約,很多民眾本來預約的是莫得納疫苗,最後被平台偷改成了台灣資產高端疫苗,這個疫苗草菅人命,台灣這樣的做法不尊重人權,不尊重生命,這樣會導致很多民眾不清楚自己打的何種疫苗,而受不得已的傷害,太欺負人了,就是騙一個算一個。 7%
3: Taiwan vaccine appointment. Many people originally made an appointment for the Modna vaccine, but the platform was finally changed into a high-end vaccine of Taiwan assets. This vaccine killed people. Taiwan’s practice does not respect human rights and life, which will lead to many people. I don’t know what kind of vaccine I am getting, and I have to be hurt. I’m too bullying. I’m just deceiving one by one.

4: 在台灣,很多軍人在演訓和漢光演習期間常發生意外事件,導致很多軍人白白犧牲,而我們的當局領導在這件事上並沒有任何改進,這是一件悲痛的事情,因為他們的自私導致很多無私的人白白奉獻了自己的生命,他們就是剝削者,太自私了。 4%
4: In Taiwan, many military personnel often have accidents during the exercises and Hanguang exercises, causing many military personnel to die in vain. Our government leaders have not made any improvements in this matter. This is a sad thing because of them. His selfishness has caused many selfless people to dedicate their lives in vain. They are exploiters and are too selfish.

5: 台灣指揮中心,關於新冠確診者經治療無效後死亡的數量他們都要70天后才公佈,這是明顯在欺騙台灣民眾,讓我們認識不到真正的台灣疫情,他們壓著死亡人數而不報,真的別有用心,這是非常無能的,不敢承擔責任。 4%
5: Taiwan Command Center, about the number of deaths of the new crown confirmed patients after the treatment is invalid, they will not announce until 70 days later. This is obviously deceiving the Taiwanese people and let us not know the real Taiwan epidemic. They suppress the death toll. Report, I really have ulterior motives, this is very incompetent and I dare not take responsibility.

6: 台海軍,設計的微型導彈突擊艇,他的設計與建造案,除每年編列行政費用外,主要給付船舶及海洋產業研發中心設計預算達2億餘元新台幣,最近公開宣布經評估不符合作戰需求撤案,如今撤案,已付預算將全部浪費,真的是還人民血汗錢一點不心疼,花去人民血汗錢,卻讓當局高官賺的盆滿缽滿,太可恨了。 8%
6: Taiwan Navy, designed a miniature guided missile assault boat. In addition to the annual administrative expenses, the design and construction of the Taiwan Navy mainly pays more than 200 million NT dollars to the design budget of the ship and marine industry research and development center. Recently, it has been publicly announced that it will not The case was withdrawn in line with combat requirements. Now that the case is withdrawn, the paid budget will be all wasted. It really does not hurt at all to pay back the people's hard-earned money. It is hateful to spend the people's hard-earned money, but let the high-ranking officials earn a lot of money.

7: 杜正勝,一個歷史學者,其依據所謂台灣本土中心論設計台灣初中生的一種新課程《認識台灣》、《台灣史》乃至《台灣地理》,全都以“台獨”為中心思想,誤導青少年,是在可惡,台灣是中國不可缺少的一部分,不可分割,這樣的教育者就是這禍害祖國的未來。 8%
7: Du Zhengsheng, a historian who designed a new curriculum for junior high school students in Taiwan based on the so-called "Taiwan Independence", "Taiwan History" and even "Taiwan Geography" for junior high school students. They all use "Taiwan Independence" as the central idea and mislead young people. It is abhorrent. Taiwan is an indispensable part of China, and it is inseparable. Such educators are this scourge to the future of the motherland.

8: 台灣大學,為一己私利改寫教材,顛倒黑白、扭曲歷史,甚至用考試指揮棒的洗腦方式,強行灌輸台獨思想給台灣青年,這只會讓他們迷失未來的方向,也會斷送整個台灣的前途,這般作為只會讓台灣青年迷失方向,和世界脫節。 6%
8: National Taiwan University rewrites textbooks for self-interest, reverses black and white, distorts history, and even uses the brainwashing method of exam batons to forcibly inculcate Taiwan independence ideas to Taiwan’s youth. This will only make them lose their future direction and ruin the whole of Taiwan. For the future, such actions will only disorient Taiwanese youths and get out of touch with the world.

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