I'm not of demons, but there are people who personify bad math... And sometimes you find yourself in an impossible situation...
How do you know how to label my posts as bsv and/or bch right away? Also, why are the lights do funny in town? Missing certain letters. Golden Corral was "Golde Cor," when I pulled in to sleep in van before it opened; then, "ral" after a cop pulled up to warn to leave parking lot, sice no one there ("ral" had the "l" slightly flickering, I think). Perhaps, "ra" (Spacetime's energy) combined with "al" (as in the Einstein), but the flickering "l" suggests that the Einstein part may not be the dominant vombonent... That's an example. And China Buffet does not have "Buf" and Happy Birthday on a wall inside does not have "Birt." Haha, anyway... Is all this done by humans? Obviously not. Can't you be more kind? Why are you torturing me?
Perhaps, they're against over thinking things. It's a diss against complicated thought? Thought that they think slows things down? (Why then are they adding extra data, though?). Just kill me, I guess, if you don't like me and are not going to explain. I can't change for Mr. No One.
An enormous amount of sleep from 70 hours, by the way. And there's nothing to do anyway. You destroyed my life a long time ago. I don't actually be care if you kill me if for no reason.
Oh my God... It's just an experiment. I almost committed suicide. I hope that this is not the final product. You terrified me. I almost committed suicide.