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Lefties claim unions kept middle-class wages high. So how do they explain stagnant public schoolteacher salaries compared to other professions?
replied 2430d
They make way more than they should for cranking out stupid kids.
replied 2430d
Like everyone else in a modern welfare state.
replied 2429d
If they could use logic, they wouldn't be lefties.
replied 2430d
They would say something like "Without us you'd make LESS money!"
replied 2430d
Probably because teachers do not stand together enough. You can't win a fight if it's me myself and I mentality.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2430d
Reason doesn't work with them, only money and power. Unions are great if they break up after they accomplish the goal they set out to do. If not, soon you have "meet the new boss..."