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replied 2445d
Sk8eM dUb
Haha, I should have used a humor emoji.
But seriously, until a chiid reaches a level of competency they differ not one whit from a pet puppy.
They need to be raised to learn.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
So should people be free to breed/sell their children like dogs then? Seems like a perfectly selfish and profitable enterprise to me. How does anarchy prevent this?
replied 2445d
This legislation path is a slippery slope of control. Every1 agrees, harming/ selling your child is wrong. (If everyone agrees why do you need the law?)
replied 2443d
Everyone agrees the destruction of the earth is bad, and yet global warming is happening because it's profitable for oil corporations.
replied 2442d
Not to get into a climate change debate but I think the trees would appreciate more CO2 (if thats what you say is destroying the earth).
replied 2442d
If you ask people they will agree in the abstract but if they don’t take actions do they really agree?
replied 2443d
I thought this was so good I reposed on twitter, hope thats ok, tell me if not I will take it down.
replied 2443d
sweet, spread it far! the more people see it the better, its not mine. just found it online. 💽
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2444d
A law is just a written contract between a group of people to act in a certain way. If it's not written down the accused use technicalities in their defense.
replied 2439d
It is not a contract unless signed and explicitly agreed to by all parties. Thus "consent of the governed" is required and "silence is acquiesence".
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2439d
I don't obey laws that I think are stupid.
replied 2439d
Given that it was a stupid law, I've elected not to obey it
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2439d
Another great example is Jordan Peterson vowing to disobey C16 in Canada.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2439d
Civil disobedience forces a debate in an official public forum(court, the press). Rosa Parks is a great example.
replied 2442d
Basically private security/insurance companies work it out between themselves and customers choose companies they like.
replied 2442d
Video about how laws could be decided without government.
Longer explanation
replied 2442d
A law is a written contract kind of but it is applied to people who may not agree with it. Typically contracts are between consenting, signing parties. agree needs to be written.
replied 2439d
Right, if you didn't sign it how can you be a party to the contract? "Consent of the governed" is key and silence is acquiesence. "A claim stands as truth until rebutted" then
replied 2434d
social contract, lol
replied 2439d
the "burden of proof lay with the claimant". Legislation only applies if you silently agree that it does or somehow sign onto it and subject yourself to it voluntarily.
replied 2439d
not sure if you're saying this is how it is now or how you want it to be?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2439d
I think I believe the "rider and elephant" hypothesis.
replied 2439d
Read up on maxims of law, hierarchy of law, common law, courts of record and the 7th amendment codifying (for the government) the common law as the highest law of the land
replied 2439d
Theres a good book called Power by Dennis Toombs. A chapter about governance is in there, that has a good scope.
replied 2439d
Thanks- I will check it out
replied 2439d
I need the list of books you suggested me, can you make a memo for that ? :)
replied 2438d
And if they go unchallenged the laws stand. Sounds like opt in vs opt out. & seems to set up an eternal struggle between busy bodies & people who want to work in peace/be left alone.
replied 2438d
That's right, that is essentially how it works and there are massive advertising campaigns to encourage people to not consider that their consent is optional, though that's not all bad
replied 2438d
by consent is optional, do you mean something other than voting?
replied 2438d
Just think about it. If people accept the claim that they are subject to pay fines for speeding having not harmed anyone, then they will pay. The power lies with the people. Always has
replied 2437d
how do you define "accept the claim?" If i put a gun to your head and demand you sign your house over to me, have you "accepted the claim" that I now own your house?
replied 2436d
Search for maxims of law, they will help lay the groundwork for you. In your example, if I sign a paper with a gun to my head then I can claim duress. Or I can fight you in selfdefense
replied 2436d
replied 2436d
if an individual sees speeding fines as unjust they either accept the claim begrudgingly, lose in court & pay the claim, or go to jail (sounds like duress).
replied 2436d
Are you sure about that? Ever tried to argue one at court?
replied 2436d
Consent should not the default. the onus is then on individuals in the population (who could be more productively using their time) to refute these things later.
replied 2435d
That is precisely the problem with top-down legislation in civil law versus bottom-up in common law. Neither is perfect by itself, both have issues. "Silence is acquiescence" regardles
replied 2435d
You’ve consented to $800 in corporate welfare each year. To get that money back you’ll go to court to repeal each one of them?
replied 2435d
Will you also sit in court for these other victimless crimes, each one imposing a cost on society?
replied 2435d
Do you think sitting in court is the only way to withdraw consent?
replied 2435d
What is the cost benefit analysis of “silence is acquiescence?” You feel it’s beneficial to sit in court for a day every time you get a ticket. Ok fine.
replied 2435d
what is the issue with "bottom-up common law?"
replied 2436d
Great, you have success with speeding tickets. Had success with being allowed to take psychoactive drugs? crossing a boarder with >$10k cash? Running a dark net market?
replied 2436d
Was using speeding ticket as a stand in for the numerous (growing more so every day) victimless crimes dreamt up by a minority of lawmakers.
replied 2436d
You can go to court 1000 times and get your speeding ticket removed, and they’ll give you another one. Law hasn’t changed & you haven’t made progress.
replied 2435d
You are free to believe whatever you wish, regardless of what may or may not be empirically.
replied 2435d
you have evidence to support the idea we're making progress against useless laws we've "consented" to?
replied 2435d
so you have made progress?
replied 2436d
haven’t needed to. Still a bad tradeoff. sit in court all day waiting to make some case every time you get a ticket.
replied 2435d
Which is the same argument many kids make to themselves when they hand over their lunch money to the bully day after day
replied 2435d
kids also think 2+2=4. does that the fact that children think it make it less true?
replied 2436d
but there is no way for an individual to withdraw consent.
replied 2438d
If people accept the claim that a small group can lock them up for tweeting certain words, then some will be locked up and others will fear to speak their minds. That is consent, right
replied 2438d
So, I agree with didn’t sign not party to contract & consent is key. Less understanding of silence is acquiescence. Makes it seem like gov can make as many laws as they want.
replied 2442d
A law is a written contract kind of but it is applied to people who may not agree with it. Typically contracts are between consenting, signing parties.
Jay Barney
replied 2444d
We do evil not from confusion, but for what it gets us. Scientists studying consciousness agree pigs are conscious and killing conscious beings is wrong, but they are not all vegan.
replied 2444d
killing conscious ain't wrong my friend. unless you are a quaker
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2444d
We were talking about anarchy. I'm trying to wrap my head around it.
replied 2442d
Fair enough. Appreciate everyone being calm & inquisitive.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2439d
I should note that I really like all you Ancaps. Very friendly and reasonable bunch who can take a good elbow in the ribs. Can not say that for any Marxist I've ever engaged with.
replied 2438d
I get along well with fiscal conservatives, libertarians, minarchists, through to ancap. I think being fiscally conservative can severely limit gov size & reduce its impact elsewhere.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2438d
I've stopped subscribing to any ist, ism, arch or 'tarian label. Things I'm sure of - No man is an island. It's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all. Death, and taxes.
replied 2439d
Prevent? Are you so arrogant that you believe you can prevent all harm in the world? Bad things happen. That said, voluntary culture can do better than legislation. Teach the effects
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2439d
You gonna teach some MS13 gang bosses that human trafficking and murder is bad for your health and spiritual wellbeing? 😂😂
replied 2439d
Obviously not. Do police stop/prevent human trafficking and murder from the likes of MS13? Obviously not. You are operating from a place of fear. Fear is the #1 tool of the dark side
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2439d
Fear, hate, anger, suffering - those are enevitable and useful emotions. But only when you're prepared and have a plan for how to act when they arise.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2439d
When you deny your dark side you only give it more power. If you don't acknowledge and take charge of your capacity for malevolence it will take control of you in dire situations.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2439d
Seems to me that once it got to be a crucial issue the people elected a good cop. And if you want to talk Star Wars - the reason the PT Jedi failed was they couldn't admit their fears.
replied 2445d
As a parent you owe your child a debt repayable.
Many cultures view this backward:
they think the child owes the parent - which defies any kind of logic whatsoever.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
You're speaking religious language right now. I want game theory. I value a society where as few children as humanly possible are abused. If that means police, then so be it. Worth it.
replied 2445d
as much as people don’t want to admit there is a price for everything even human life. Exaggeration but if we spend $1B on enforcement and only save 1 kid that isn’t worth it.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2444d
The issue I'm getting at is that when every individual has to act as their own(and their own kids) security force, that's more expensive than pooling your resources for some police!
replied 2442d
Even more efficient than being forced to pool your resources is to choose to pool your resources.
replied 2442d
There are examples of private police forces protecting the homeless or people who can’t pay.
replied 2442d
Just like you don’t have to grow your own food or make your own car or make your own computer. You could pay for varying levels of defense.
replied 2442d
If it is more efficient to pool resources (as I think it is too) then people in the market will pool resources (like most all companies that exists now).
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2439d
I'm all about having local police only. A city can be a good little unit if the people care about the upkeep. If police are beyond 1 degree of separation you start getting problems.
replied 2445d
you're willing to make the sacrifice of freedom but you're also forcing everyone else to make that sacrifice. there is also an opportunity cost associated this enforcement.
replied 2445d
Not religious at all.
You physically choose to make a baby.
The baby will eventually die.
If you did not create a baby that person would not die.
Thus, you have committed murder
replied 2445d
Because you have murdered someone in the future,
you now owe them more than you can ever repay.
Any failure to protect them at least until they are competent is Harm.
replied 2445d
Failing this quite simple logic means
that if you abuse or otherwise Harm you own children you are no better than an animal.
(more to come...)
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
I'm not talking about ME, I talking about the billion odd children alive on the planet right now. I'm absolutely willing to "Harm" people who intend to "Harm" kids.
replied 2445d
People ?!?
they are not people
They exist outside The One Law and can only be regarded as you might regard crocodiles, sharks, tigers or other carnivorous beasts.
'Open Season'.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
I play this game when chatting with Utopians where I look for the point when I start to feel that, if they were put in charge, I'd probably be killed for thought crime. This is it.
replied 2445d
Identifying and exiling animals who prey upon or abuse children is a ranching activity,
and requires no special government goon-squads.
It could be a good business opportunity.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
What if they get falsely accused?
replied 2445d
This does happen entirely too often.
It fairly results in both accuser and accused needing to justify themselves to their neighbors.
This justifies an open court to appeal to.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
UH OHHHH, sounds like you got a government!
replied 2439d
@dash you should read up on English common law. Imperfect, but a self-organizing and determmining justice system that seeks truth through wisdomof the crowd over time
replied 2445d
There is a BIG difference between governing and neighbors.
Government is all about organizing thugs+taxes.
An open court a neigborhood might hold to examine an exile event.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
But you can't give me a solid figure on the question "how big is too big?". Tell me how organized is too organized. What should I do if I see an organization of people getting too big?
replied 2445d
Government is a croup of people organized to continually coerce a population.
Any size is too big.
A single problem may be solved by a single-session court, ad-hoc.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
Marxists like to change the definitions of words too.
replied 2445d
"What should I do if I see an organization of people getting too big?"
Difficult !
Is it popular ? For what reason ?
If popular for Harm it is probably time to move elsewhere.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
You're going to be a lonely nomad you're whole life then. People get together to do stuff they couldn't do alone. If it's valuable but has been corrupted I think fixing > abandoning
replied 2445d
A mostly lonely nomad my whole life already.
Nothing new there.
Populations do not often cooperate with being fixed.
Sometimes letting Darwin deal with it is the only solution.
replied 2445d
This underscores the issue of a population that "learns".
In theory an organization that can cause Harm should always be a one-off,
Exiling someone should never be something "easy".
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
Quit making up rules!! Rules necessarily means cops!! I thought we wanted anarchy dammit!
replied 2445d
Rules ?
This I only suggest for those who find themselves in such circumstance.
there is no reason a neighborhood might not form its own One-Law contract if 100% agree.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
Sounds like a commune to me lol. "Don't piss off Jim's wife, you might get exiled!!"
replied 2445d
Nothing ever conceived changes human nature to revert to behaviours common around the globe.
The mind boggles at what transpires under the banner "Let's go make our utopian commune"
replied 2445d
Excellent question.
"Permanent" Organizations have participants with hidden agendas.
Persistent hierarchy also indicates issues.
The village idiot should chair occasionally.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
Wait did you just describe the USA!?!?!
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
The problem I have with anarchists and marxists alike is y'all make these "should", "would", "could" statements without ever giving a method for enforcement.
replied 2445d
these are serving suggestions, not iron-fists
Enforcement is forbidden.
Fences not.
Thieves should be perfectly free to starve to death in the town square.
Or accept exile.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
This society sounds lonely, boring, dangerous and stressful. You should visit me in Japan. It's not perfect by any stretch but they stumbled upon some secret sauce.
replied 2445d
The secret sauce is a very, very well honed sense of shame. It's a natural prophylactic against humanity's innate douchebaggery.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
Shame is just another term for social-contract. I also think the balance between internal and external influence is great. They maintain a national identity without getting too cocky.
replied 2445d
I will look you up, it is on my bucket list and they have some amazing things I know.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
Sounds good! I gotta make dinner for the misses. Peace!
replied 2445d
Boss just ordered me to put my shackles back on for supper.
At least she does the cooking
Prosper !
replied 2445d
Immoral people will be selected against and will thus have a more difficult time surviving, but they cannot be totally eliminated (like the flu virus).
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2444d
I agree that bad people use big government to leech off society. What I don't agree with is that eliminating "the government" is necessarily going to make those people unsuccessful.
replied 2442d
This means yes, ‘those people’ will likely get by in society on some level. Just like to a vegan, meat eaters will be getting by.
replied 2442d
Most all ppl think murder is immoral. Some ppl think eating animals is immoral. So, who you consider ‘those people’ & who some1 else considers ‘those people’ will be different.
replied 2442d
You’re right, it depends on the average morality of the population. Morality is defined in different ways by different people.
replied 2445d
The market brings true change because the change is voluntarily chosen. If your morality is a thing held in high regard by the majority it will be selected for in the market.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2444d
This is the absolute crux of what I'm getting at here. Ancaps project their morality onto the world as much as Marxists. What if the Holy Market selects for slavery, rape and murder?
replied 2442d
I do not see countries full of rape, murder, and corruption out competing more civil societies
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2439d
I should mention that if you peek under the hood of the USA/UK you'll definitely find a few of these skeletons. I'd agree that these are the people holding us back though.
replied 2438d
true, they're definitely there just to a lesser degree. know corruption is negatively correlated with economic freedom. havent checked crime rates
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2438d
I don't trust any reported rates. I'm talking about white collar crime and things like congresspeople using regulations to affect markets and take trades, regulatory capture, etc.
replied 2438d
but even reported corruption (defined however but applied universally) is less in economically freer countries. I wouldn’t take the lack of a stat as proof freer have more corruption
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2438d
"More" is your problematic word here. Are talking number of people? Raw dollar amount. $$ per capita? % of GDP? As usual, you can extract any Narrative you wish.
replied 2438d
either way, a lack of a stat doesnt prove more or less (defined as raw dollars, per cap, or %GDP) the only stats we have (which is universally applied) show econ freedom = less corrupt
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2438d
If you're using raw dollar amounts the largest economies are kings. Remember the 2008 housing crisis? What was that, 10 trillion dollhairs??
replied 2438d
i mean sure, if you have different definitions for crimes (like insider trading by congress) the 'official numbers' wont report that. i agree that should be a crime too.
replied 2438d
All people who are friendly have the propensity for insider trader. Just a phone call with a friend.
replied 2438d
was talking about crime stats. insider trading was an example. meant if congress says insider trading is illegal they should also be bound by that. i'd rather insider trading be legal.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2438d
Insider trading is fine. I'm talking about funding color revolutions just to start a civil war and tank a currency that you shorted, starting wars to keep oil prices up, etc.
replied 2438d
have you looked for academic papers? people might have tried to measure these things.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2438d
If you got a Narrative I got a statistic to prove it. I grew up i a town famous for gangsters(and still run by them) so I don't buy the "corruption and freedom don't mix" line of logic
replied 2438d
We’re trying to see how humans behave on average which requires more than a single data point. Who knows, the data may support your experience.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2438d
Here's some fascinating history about my city and the gangsters we spawned. (long read alert)
replied 2437d
Violence surrounds black market activities because the legal system no longer supports them. Alcohol industry isn’t violent today. Weed in CO isn’t violent.
replied 2437d
Another story from Chicago history relevant part
replied 2437d
As it is (like all other crony capitalism) laws meant to take down large players end up just targeting smaller players and reenforcing market dominance.
replied 2437d
So, gov oversteps their bounds, outlaws thing people actually want, Capone supplies things. Without the laws Capone wouldn’t have been so strong as he’d have real competition.
replied 2437d
Thank you, parts I read were interesting. Chicago history is interesting, I liked Devil in the White City too. Capone was government supported though.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2436d
Interesting hearing dogmas of capitalism come out of Alinsky's mouth right? "Community organizing" is nothing more than using useful idiots to pass laws to fatten your bank account.
replied 2436d
If you are to become a complete and wise leader you must embrace a larger view of the Force.”
replied 2436d
I have friends who are literally afraid of reading/watching "far right wing" publications, as if they're afraid of falling to the dark side. 😂😂😂
replied 2436d
Palpatine - “Anakin, if one is to understand the great mystery, one must study all its aspects, not just the dogmatic, narrow view of the Jedi.
replied 2436d
hahaha true. bit of "know your enemy"
replied 2438d
i understand if you've got personal experience (hard to beat) but if you refuse to measure the world around you won't make sense of it and will end up guided by your feelings.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2438d
My point is that it's impossible to be objective with a wickedly complicated metric such as "crime rate". Are you familiar with p-hacking?
replied 2437d
It is dogmatic to throw out all studies because they may have data dredging. It is prudent to carefully consider studies individually and look for any flaws in their methodology.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2437d
Furthermore, it's impossible to give proper weight to the impact of the actions of a few white collar criminals(think Ben Bernanke). e.g. How many died because of the 2008 crash?
replied 2435d
replied 2434d
Dope, yeah I got a good list going for books I need to read. Is there a book recommendations topic yet?
replied 2435d
there are efforts to estimate government control of the economy including regulation
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2437d
it's different in every area and sometimes those laws are stupid. So you're not really measuring crime rate, you're measuring *obedience rate*.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2437d
I completely agree, but the data sets for what we're talking about here depend on corrupt judicial systems reporting data accurately. Then you have to consider what's legal and illegal
replied 2437d
Example on pg 3-4. establishing individualist culture’s causal effect on economic growth
replied 2437d
There are ways to statistically establish causality
replied 2437d
"patterns in data that can be presented as statistically significant, without first devising a specific hypothesis as to the underlying causality.”
replied 2437d
yes, p-hacking is an issue (esp with big data). The issue comes from fishing through all relations looking for statistically significant ones regardless of any potential causal basis.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
It's like ancaps think that valuing your neighbor's life as much as your own or your kid's(or even their next meal) is some emergent human property.
replied 2441d
Now instead of more capitalist it is more free/more individualist.
replied 2441d
But at the end of the day those that were more capitalist were left with greater wealth (greater influence in the world/greater economic fitness).
replied 2441d
Much like after the Cold War the more capitalist US was left as a superpower after the fall of the USSR. Both existed for a while & people in the USSR didnt have to become capitalist
replied 2441d
guess you could call it an emergent property. dont think it has to be forced on people though. just after the dust settles that's what will be left so might as well move toward it now
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2440d
Again, it's a chicken and egg thing. I think you don't sustain a free society(nation?) unless the members of that society are committed to preserving the values/morals that created it.
replied 2440d
process of coalescence, but there may come a time when the cost of attacking a truly free economic community is too great for the state. Perhaps BCH will play a role in the above. /2
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2440d
The USA did pretty well by having a very limited mandate for the feds(border defense and basic NAP enforcement) and state legislatures. Had a target on it's back from the word go.
replied 2440d
true, this is the problem minarchists have, how do you keep the state at this level when everyone sees it as an easy way to 'solve their problems?'
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2440d
Exactly. The big problem with ancap is that, while theoretically decentralized, there's no meta-security mechanism. Once you get something good going you will def get attacked.
replied 2440d
What you need is a nucleus of individuals around which such a society and culture can grow and which cannot be easily disrupted. Historically, the state always acts to disrupt this /1
replied 2440d
History is not a good indicator of the future when exponentials are involved.
replied 2440d
kowloon walled city had a good run. heard people were cramming in there despite the conditions.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2440d
I see a lot of ancaps using "the state" as an ill-defined slur, much like you'll get a Marxist screaming about "capitalists" but then it always ends up being the same gangster assholes
replied 2440d
The state is pretty well defined, no? OTOH, socialists always cherry pick what they mean by "capitalist" which always means some billionaire govt. crony, not a wealthy dentist, etc.
replied 2440d
yeah, state is monopoly of violence in a geographic region right?
replied 2442d
then there is no reason to think that all behavior will follow selfish lines. Also, the anarcho part of anarchocapitalism means lack of political rulers, not a lack of rules./2
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
If you're playing a game and only 75% of the players are following the rules you either need a referee or you need to admit that those aren't the rules of the game.
replied 2442d
Does 100% of the population follow the rules now? Ancap society does not demand 100% adherence to the NAP, just a critical mass (perhaps). People play by rules that benefit them.
replied 2442d
Ancap society is basically just bitcoin protocol but in real life. If more people are not playing by the rules, the market price for defense and security will be higher (more demand)
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
I have a theory that the original US constitution was a PoW system that got wrecked by authoritarians under the guise of more "democracy" which allowed them to rig the rule making.
replied 2442d
Similar to block size controls - the funny thing is that commies beg for this kind of crap. And they think majority rules (aka democracy / soft forks) are great! Keeps everyone in line
replied 2442d
Precisely. And then once you have a mafia organisation (aka government) that issues threats of violence in order to implement price controls... market distortions happen. (1/2)
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
Sound familiar?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
So the ancap faith is that the NAP necessarily creates a positive feedback loop if only "rulers" are eliminated? This sounds childishly simplistic and naive to me.
replied 2442d
Been doing some research into history of Anarchy. Looks like Anarchists consider Anarcho-Capitalism to be an Oxymoron as the Capitalist is ruler in biz. structure. Anarchy b socialist.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
I mean I understand the sentiment completely. I've been a punk rocker for 20 years now. It's just that an(no)archy(heirarchy) in a universe with competition is complete fantasy imo.
replied 2442d
Altruism is found in nature, particularly among genetically related individuals. Culture is at least as important to humans as genetics, so if your neighbor holds similar values /1
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
Oh and your neighbor aren't enough to defend a border. And if you're forced to choose between your neighbor's or your kid's life, who's do you choose? This is anarchy after all.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
***You and your neighbor***
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
This is a chicken and egg question here. Do societies that value a certain set of human rights succeed? Or is it that if a society is successful they come to value human rights?
replied 2442d
So, I think more individualistic societies will over time out compete more collectivist ones, ending at what I consider the most individualistic, ancap.
replied 2442d
If allowed, they will. You will always get power hungry people making crazy promises to the poor to get votes. The system then starts to break down. Bastiat's solution is best.
replied 2441d
can you elaborate on Bastiat's solution or provide a link?
replied 2441d
He sums it up nicely. If you haven't read The Law. It is well worth it.
replied 2441d
thank you. good read. agree. havent read the law but i've read a lot of exerts. might have it. its on my list to read.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
The trick seems to be, finding the sweet spot where you have individual autonomy within concentric circles of family, neighborhood, city, nation, world. All in proper balance.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
The reality seems more like a cycle. As we get more individualistic we wake up and become more successful, then we get arrogant and lazy, then fall asleep back into collective tribes.
replied 2441d
It’s like each country tends towards collectivism during its life, but when it hits one of these sharp turning points a new level of individualism is reached.
replied 2441d
Through the 1900s where people started moving around more. Interacting with & living with those of different race, religion, and class.
replied 2441d
I think on the whole the trend is towards more individualism. Especially if you look from Ancient societies where everyone interacted with the same race, religion, government, class.
replied 2441d
Yeah there’s definitely a cycle. Was talking with kokansei here somewhere about how states just grow until there is some sharp turning point back to a smaller state.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
So I think the fallacy is when you assume that individualism will reach some kind of escape velocity. This sounds a lot like the Soviet Man. It's just another "substitute for Jesus".
replied 2441d
Most people when they taste freedom (which I think more individualism would be more freedom) they crave more of it. (E.g. people liberated from oppressive regimes)
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2439d
And then if you're born free and you're spoiled and ungrateful you start to think communism would be cool cuz VIVA LA REVOLUCION
replied 2438d
unfortunately seems to be the trend :(
replied 2441d
Agree it sounds like Soviet man. Not sure it needs to reach an escape velocity and then everything is a peaceful utopia, likely more of a gradual trend toward freedom and individualism
replied 2442d
There is a causal effect of individualism in society on economic growth.
replied 2442d
Individualism seems to be a big part of being an ancap.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
Also you're using the word society but presumably advocating for zero meta-organization within a certain geography. But what happens when the neighboring country expands it's border?
replied 2442d
not really familiar with these scenarios. some discussion of this on r/goldandblack
replied 2442d
just using society to talk about the group of people. not zero meta-organization (business organization I think is fine). know someone else mentioned how the name could be oxymoronic.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
Right! "Group of people" implies there's some value that's joining them together. I don't see how a company and a government are different(unless you do some 1984 newspeak gymnastics).
replied 2441d
these are good questions, thanks! having to spend a lot of time thinking about them. letting the question roll around my head for a few days.
replied 2441d
I mean the typical cited difference is just that you can leave a company. I’d be fine with government if taxes were like kickstarter (pay for what/how much you want), lol.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2440d
So yeah, if you're paying some tax and getting very little back for it, fight to make it more fair! But also, don't let it ruin your day, and getting thrown in jail is not worth it.
replied 2440d
because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy.”
replied 2440d
it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses
replied 2440d
Hard to say fight to make it fair with 1 vote vs 350,000,000. “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2440d
I mean the bottom of this conversation is ultimately "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's". If you think you'll ever get out of paying tribute to someone or something you're delusional.
replied 2440d
Sure, agree. & I’d be happy with minarchism (like early US) where gov spending to GDP was 3%. Now we’re forced to pay for tons of crap.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2440d
There's gotta be some check on it. I think in an anarchy situation companies can become territorial mafias very easily. So no, you can't necessarily just quit.
replied 2440d
dont agree here, but somewhere earlier said there i dont have data for this, just talking about what we thing human nature is. ehh.
replied 2441d
I think the shared value is individualism.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
Saudi Arabia, China, Soviet Russia arguably did great as a collective. The metric I'm concerned about is individual freedom within that society.
replied 2442d
1) people are generally what you and I would consider immoral (they support murder/rape/slavery) but also 2) an immoral society can out compete moral societies
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
In my experience and historical research - self determination is not the human default. In situations where there is no king, groups will appoint a leader from among them.
replied 2442d
Self-determination being “free choice of one's own acts without external compulsion?” Or right to choose “their sovereignty and international political status”
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
There's enough percentage of people who would sacrifice the long term for short term comforts, especially in an anarchy situation, that you'd spend a lot of energy on self defense.
replied 2442d
I mean, certainly you could have a situation like some failed countries where everything has been stolen.
replied 2442d
The current system incentivizes this by caring for these people, so we’re left with more of these people. In anarchy they would starve & be selected against.
replied 2442d
Nope. The system incentivizes people to go on and stay on wellfare. They vote to get more free shit from there. If you have no wellfare people will find jobs, they wont starve.
replied 2442d
sorry, meant the current system incentivizes people to sacrifice long term for short term. I agree with you. really meant they'd either get a job & change behavior or starve.
replied 2442d
But I think there is an IQ issue which limits abstract thinking (ie planning for the future & what-if scenarios eg what if I need food in the future).
replied 2442d
Hard to account for upbringing of people in all these places. If you wanted to prove such a relationship you'd have to see if it holds for kids of races raised in foreign places.
replied 2442d
including Somalia to preempt the typical, "if you like ancap so much move to Somalia" argument
replied 2442d
agreed. didnt mean to debate racial differences and IQ, just the best graph I had to show IQ differences across countries.
replied 2442d
Not sure I agree here. With an anarchy there wouldn’t be a safety net. People would be responsible for their own actions and the consequences. E.g. buying a tv not food.
replied 2442d
Further, all societies are in competition with each other. So to support your position you would have to believe
replied 2442d
See USA after Civil War, it wasn’t kumbaya, laws against the now free slaves were enacted (Jim Crow, segregation).
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
You're contradicting yourself here. I thought that most people were moral but here you're saying that enacting or abolishing a law doesn't make people moral(true!).
replied 2442d
I'm not sure I see the contradiction, could you change the wording a bit or explain it a bit differently?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
So the contradiction is that you're arguing that laws are a top-down imposition but here you're saying Jim Crow laws were bottom up.(imo this is historically innacurate)
replied 2441d
So, whites just came up with more creative ways (like segregation) to keep blacks from advancing (economically or socially)
replied 2441d
I mean it did technically free them which is a step in the right direction but it didn’t change the feelings whites had towards blacks.
replied 2441d
oh ok, thanks. I think you’re right Jim Crow was top-down?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2440d
I'll defer to Dinesh D'Souza on this one. It's a deep deep rabbit hole of rewritten, hidden and spun history. Start with the shock doc "Hillary's America"
replied 2440d
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2442d
Sorry! >_< I mean to say that you've indicated(I think?)that the NAP is independent of laws but then abolishing slavery(was that adding or removing a law?) didn't help to free anyone.
replied 2441d
My point is legislating morality creates a sharp divide in an otherwise smooth transition.
replied 2441d
Change does happen, I think people are becoming more accepting of others as the world becomes more connected.
replied 2442d
By having a government with laws you’ve not changes those feelings you’ve just painted over them and pretend they don’t exist (which leads to resentment not acceptance).
replied 2442d
By true change I mean it’s genuine. If the ‘holy market’ selects for rape that is what the people actually want.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2444d
Then Walmart would make a lot more sense...
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2444d
Exactly. I think you do have more freedom if a sovereign nation legislates and enforces(via individual self-defence rights and small local police forces) the non aggression principle.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2444d
This is why I love the show Stranger Things - it's the story of a local cop trying to protect his community(his loved ones) from feds who violate the NAP against sovereign citizens.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2444d
I am saying that the market currently does select for these things, but not via the buyer, and not at the point of sale: there're aren't many things more opaque than a supply chain.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2444d
Right! What is the *reason* the market currently selects for these things? You have to qualify the statement "freedom begets freedom" for ancap to work. I don't think it's true.
replied 2445d
anarchy doesn't 'prevent' this, but you cannot legislate morality. People will follow the law but will resent the lawmakers &, in this case, the child they’re ‘burdened’ with.
Spendl A Bit
replied 2445d
This shit! This is what they're trying to normalize. Fucking pedophiles. #thesepeoplearesick #QAnon #WWG1WWGA
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2445d
I'm fairly certain Q is a 98% truth 2% lies honeypot my brother. Liberty is YOUR responsibility, not a magic fairy in D.C.. I'm worried Q will keep ppl from VOTING cuz #trusttheplan