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replied 2305d
What good will mining alone do?
replied 2305d
And I plan to mine BCH even if it goes to $0 to fight. I’ve made so much, I can fight for years.
replied 2305d
Am glad you can do that! Not sure how many others would be able to join you on that mission
replied 2305d
Well he’s not mining alone, is that what you mean? Anyone can join the SVpool. I have 100% of my hashpower directed at SVpool.
replied 2305d
Are you going to continue on that path if BCHSV's market price goes to 0?
replied 2305d
Absolutely, I will, CSW said he will, my mining friends on SVpool said they will too. Like I said, I can go for years at BCH $0. I miss the original Bitcoin/vision that much.
replied 2305d
Love your discipline but I reckon that some our the more profit minded folks will ditch and head to whichever chain ends up with "profitable" mining
replied 2305d
I'd rather create a Bitcoin Cryptopoly