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2239d · Bitcoin SV
replied 2239d
Love the DDR style "Staatssicherheits" FUD propaganda coming from SV camp about how evil progress is, and pushing boundaries are.
replied 2238d
DDR? Funny you guys like to use any relation to non NATO, non-western nations as propaganda, yet root of propaganda and worst type of propaganda comes from US & UK and their allies.
replied 2233d
Hello Friend ED, I know you, org, I wanted to know if you could explain how to withdraw bch from memo, I do not generate income since you died
replied 2229d
Should be able to recover it by using the words seed from memo to restore it in some smartphone wallet.
replied 2236d
It's a bit unfair to the USA, since they pay the price of being the world's only super power. They take the blame because they are also often the only one who take responsibility.
replied 2236d
DDR was a socialist shithole. That's why.
replied 2239d
It's not propaganda when "progress" is regress.

If you have time, time will tell.
replied 2239d
You actually don't need to believe any propaganda. Just follow the ones who scale first. Actions >> words. Don't prejudge
replied 2239d
Nvm. Got the link. Thanks!
replied 2239d
Bitcoin Cash to 1 TB. BSV can have their 128MB's that don't even work.
replied 2239d
dream dream, bch is not going anywhere.
replied 2239d
Can you send me YouTube link to this video you made?
replied 2239d
GREAT FIND. excellent points you make throughout. We have BSV now thank goodness