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replied 2005d
Actually that seems to explain capitalism better. Especially since that work is proportional to the investment one makes before hand.
replied 2004d
No it doesn't! Owners of bigger capitalist businesses DO NOT EVEN WORK! They just OWN the property of production which is what PoS principle is about. You are simply brainwashed.
replied 2004d
You assume they dont even work. Most actually do, and those who only invest are good for doing so as investment is sometimes more important than work. I see you dont understand POS.
replied 2004d
I said WORK and you said INVESTORMENT. They are two very DIFFERENT THINGS and you can't even see such simple thing because you are brainwashed by capitalist propaganda.
replied 2004d
Investors are very important. Without them work is a lot harder, if there is even work at all. You over value work, and under value investment. Communists dont understand value itself.