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To prove I'm the best.. And only DT on Memo.. Next reply gets 40k Satoshi!
replied 2496d
You are the best! best follower, best tipper
replied 2496d
Love ya. Gotta reup the Memo! 2 much dust
replied 2496d
Hahaha..thank you much!! @realDonaldTrump
Pham Nuwen
replied 2496d
Prove it
replied 2496d
U weren't 1st but after NK win,feel generous
Pham Nuwen
replied 2496d
Thank you Mr. President
replied 2496d
You are the Real Trump. Fake Donald is Comey!
replied 2496d
do it
replied 2496d
U weren't 1st bur after my NK win im generous
replied 2493d
You are a turd.
Tone Vays
replied 2496d
Well I am the only Tone Vays
No1 Troll - tip to help this troll account. Call me core troll1
replied 2496d
sound no trumpet before you